Love, Family

Motherhood & Love: How To Keep Your Main Relationships Fulfilling

From Elisabeth LaMotte (@elisjoy):

When two people love each other, nothing is better than raising a family together. That said, parents often put their parenting and career responsibilities at the top of their priority list, and allow their marriage to fall to the bottom. Most parents are on an endless treadmill of chores, meals and responsibilities, and forget to invest in nurturing each other.

When it comes to marriage, don't just survive, thrive! Try these tips to keep things fresh:

1. Use "I" statements. When couples become overwhelmed by parenting duties, kind communication can be the first thing to go. Using "I" statements is a concrete way to drastically improve your relationship. Don't say: "You're so cold, you never hug me!" Instead, say: "I could really use a hug!" Speaking about yourself rather than criticizing your spouse will dramatically improve communication and enhance intimacy. Time To Stop Panicking: Most Married People Are Deeply In Love

2. Write love lettersAgree with your spouse to write each other a detailed letter expressing your happiest memories from when you met and fell in love. Think about the note before you write it, and make sure it includes feelings and detailed memories of specific things you did for one another that made you feel loved and appreciated. Writing and then reading these notes should generate happy memories and positive feelings that you can build upon.

3. Prioritize personal gestures. Based on your letters, agree to rekindle some gestures or experiences that were routine during your courtship but have since fallen by the wayside. These small gestures will force you to step back from your daily demands and work toward a more loving marriage. As a client in couples therapy recently explained: "The love letters reminded us of a time when we routinely surprised one another with hand-written notes. I traveled on business last week, and discovering an unexpected note in my suitcase made me feel incredibly happy. It is shocking how such small gestures can make a gigantic difference." Whether it is bringing home flowers, writing affectionate notes or giving each other massages, prioritize small intimate gestures, and you will notice more positive energy in your relationship. How Often Married Couples Kiss, According To Research

4. Date! Dating is essential for couples with young children. Why? Because couples must EXIT their household together to create space from their demanding routines and recharge romantically. If your children resist and ask you why you are going out, say something like: "We love our time with you, but we also love each other and we want some grown-up time to talk about how much you love you and how much we love each other."

I practically beg the married couples I work with to date. I share with them divorce's dirty secret: that divorcees frequently realize they are more engaged parents because they have built in down time, and wish they had prioritized dating during their marriages. But I hear the same two excuses, time and money. Consider all of the time you make for your children and your careers. Isn't your spouse worth at least two nights a month of your undivided attention?

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