10 Things You Need To Do Before Becoming A Mom

Appreciate your body now, travel with your spouse, shower alone, and more.

maci teen mom

A few months before Lily was born, I jolted up from a rare, deep sleep. I'd been dreaming about a dinner of lobster and clam chowder and it was fantastic. When I awoke, because of that distinctive kick in my ribs, I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep again until I ate that delicious meal.

The next weekend, I ate it. As I savored every bite, I wondered when on earth I'd be able to have another meal like that. It certainly wasn't the most child-friendly restaurant—would I ever eat there again? In six months? In a year? Five years?


Sadly, I haven't been back since. Of course, over the last seven years, I could have arranged it, but I just haven't found the time or the reason. I do, however, still remember exactly how delicious the meal tasted. And, if I had it to do over again, I would have gone back the next weekend, and maybe the one after that. The Stir: Moms Can (& Should) Drink Around Their Kids

My regrets don't end with food. Had I known exactly how life changing kids would be, there's so much more I would have done. If you've yet to have kids, let me suggest the following ...

1. Enjoy sleep. Nap. It's a luxury that becomes a necessity you never seem to have enough of. Buy nice sheets. Roll around in them. Spend a whole day in bed. The next time you do it, you'll be comforting a feverish, puking child and that’s not nearly as enjoyable. 


2. Appreciate your body now. As flawed as it may be, after children, it will be worse. Droopier, stretched out, and mushy. Even your feet will be bigger. Get a pedicure and flaunt them. The Stir: The Postpartum Body IS "A Mess of Jello"

3. Drive a fun car. A convertible or a Beetle. Blast music that you love. Soon you'll be driving a minivan and singing along to the Laurie Berkner Band. Even when you're alone in the car.

4. Travel with your spouse. Family vacations are wonderful, but not the same. And finding someone to watch three kids under 5? Impossible.

5. Shower. Alone, without faces peeking through the glass critiquing your body.

To read the complete list, see The Stir: 10 Things I Wish I'd Done Before Becoming A Mom


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Written by Jill Smokler for The Stir.
