ADD/ADHD, Anxiety Issues, Bipolar Disorder, Communication Problems, Dating/Being Single Support, Empowering Men, Empowering Women, Forgiveness, Happiness, Life Management, Marriage, Menopause, Midlife Crisis, Overwhelm, Relationships, Self-Esteem, Social Anxiety, Stress Management, Time Management, Wellness, Workplace Issues, Worry

Additional Expertise

Personal Development Coach, Relationship Coach

About Tereasa Jones

I am a coach, a writer, a program creator, an instructor for other coaches, a speaker and a leader with 20+ years of experience in Relationship Coaching, ADHD Coaching, and Friendship Coaching. I work with people in all kinds of relationships, whether it is marriage, courtship, dating, friendship, work, parenting, or young adults getting established on their own. I have am the lead instructor for Relationship Coaching Institute – Singles programs and the Lead instructor and program developer for Impact Coaching Academy for ADHD Coaching. I am currently developing programs of my own that will roll out this summer. 

I offer webinars, workshops, coaching teams, group coaching, and individual coaching. My goal is to provide my clients with what they need to succeed in life and love, and to do so in an affordable way. There are many options to work with me with different price points.

I am Resources Chair Person for Adhdcoaches.org. I believe in sharing my knowledge and expertise and I volunteer my time to do so. In my free time, which isn’t much, I enjoy my family, friends, reading, and vacationing in peaceful, weather friendly spots. I am a lifelong learner and can’t even imagine not being involved in some type of learning. 

My credentials are that I have a Master degree in Counseling Psychology, I am a graduate of Coach U and ADD Coach Academy as well as holding a Master Coach Certification from Relationship Coaching Institute. I have a Professional Certified Coach designation from International Coach Federation, and a Senior Certified ADHD Coach designation from IAAC. I am constantly learning and growing in my fields of expertise. I invite you to visit my website and sign up for my free e-book and while you’re at it, contact me and schedule a discovery session to see if we would be a good fit in working together. 

Tereasa Jones Articles