Beauty Is A State Of Mind


Feeling beautiful isn’t something that can be bought. It’s not defined by the hipsters, designers, the rich and famous, or the media. Yes, there’s influence there. But beauty, timeless beauty comes from within. Evolving organically over time.

A personal testament, really.

No matter your age, the number on the scale, your skin color, your stature. Where you grew up or your level of education. It’s not about who you know or who you don’t. It’s how we treat others.


It’s the way we feel about ourselves. 

Feeling beautiful is an accumulation of life experiences and stories. Your values. The way you make others feel when they’re around you. The relationships you build with family, members of your community, yourself.

It’s the little things that make you, YOU.

It lives within each one of us.

Feeling beautiful could be the smell of fresh lavender. The way your body feels after a long bike ride or the first sip of morning tea. Maybe it’s the way your skin feels when a cool breeze touches your face on a warm summer day.

Maybe it’s the pink flush of your cheeks when you’re feeling shy. Or the eagerly way you greet your neighbor with a kind word or a smile. Lending a hand when you can. 


Maybe it’s the way you feel in a perfectly messy bun and an oversized tee, and the way your hips sway when a certain song comes on the radio.

Your beauty is unique to who YOU are. Exuding from you through your natural expression of style, compassion, and grace.

Take a moment to look yourself in the mirror without critique. Admire the lines of your face. Accept any imperfections. Appreciate how far you’ve come in this life and where you hope to go.

Love yourself daily.
