Three Reasons Why It Is So Hard To Love Yourself

Self love obstacles are candidly discussed.


Loving yourself is not an easy task.  For some people it never comes up in their consciousness.  Often the journey to self-love becomes apparent when there is a health care crisis.  Louise Hay book-You Can Heal Your Life tells us that most of our emotional problems can be traced back to our childhood experiences and trauma. Our emotions get in the way of the learning process. They are unconscious beliefs and emotions that you may not even know you have. Teachers, parents, therapists, everyone has words and writings on your walls. Positive or negative, do they make your children, friends and relatives feel good; or do you drive people off with your negative vibe? Please, don’t let your pride get in the way – sometimes our biggest obstacle to success or even forward movement is ourselves. I call it self-sabotage. We may not ever be consciously aware that we are doing this. But we realize by their results in our life something is not quite right; or you might be familiar with what I call the walking wounded. One lady I met introduced herself by stating her name and that she was a victim of childhood sexual abuse. She spoke as if it was a part of her identity. She touched me with her passion and righteous indignation. She spoke of the support groups she established and how she had made this her mission in life. I thought my goodness, honey, what is this costing you? Now I know that what you focus on, expands. Just think of all the emotional, mental and physical energy it took to carry that pain each day.


         I talked to a co-worker today who expressed his anticipation for his coming two-week vacation. He said he was stressed and his nerves were irritated. I thought how other professionals feel the same and cannot really enjoy there vacation. Just imagine the advancements that could be made in productivity in education, the business sector or just life if we had ways, tools and methods to raise the resonance and vibration of energy we operate with every day.  From the above mentioned experiences I have identify three reason we do not love ourselves.

We are not taught how to love ourselves in childhood.


Our parents did the best they could with the knowledge and abilities they had but often time they were wounded and hurting themselves.  But this is not the time to play the blame game.  We have to help ourselves first.  Here is an example: one of my clients wrote me this:


It is CB  from Indiana. 
I am having deep depression and anxiety and stress thoughts.

My negative thinking as got me in a place of  not wanting to participate in life all I want to do is sleep and be mad at God and myself. I wake up at 1AM and cannot go back to sleep.  I am exhausted most of the day and found out that this is generational victim pathology/poverty consciousness all the way back to the beginning of time for my family line. Wow!
Please how do I stop these thoughts and set myself up for success. I am trying to affirm in my life a wealth consciousness:


This is the Louise Hay affirmation I am trying to affirm in my life: I love myself; therefore, I work at a job I truly enjoy doing, one that uses my creative talents and abilities, working with for people I love and who love me and earning a good income. I love myself; therefore I behave and think in a loving way to all people for I know that which I give out returns to me multiplied. I only attract loving people in my world, for they are a mirror of what I am. I love myself, therefore. I forgive and totally release the past and all past experiences, and I am free. I love myself; therefore, I live totally in the now, experiences each moment as good and knowing that my future is bright, and joyous and secure, for I am a beloved child of the Universe and the universe lovingly takes care of me now and forever more. All is well in my world.

This was an email I received from one of my clients.  So I showed her steps to take to clear this emotional garbage and feel better about her life.

I wish self-love was a twelve year course in schools for parents , students and teachers.

Imagine the gains and strides our culture would have if everyone practiced self love on a daily basis.  


We live in the victim mode unconsciously twenty four hours a day.  For some people this is their normal.  So they have feelings, thoughts and beliefs that limit the kind of life they live.  I am sure you know people like this.  Do a self-assessment and then look at the lives of your family and closest associates.    
We are taught to put everyone else first—especially family. I had one client who was told all her life --that her only purpose in live was to take care of her ailing mother who was suffering from Multiple Sclerosis.   The was the expected family dynamic and norm.  If she challenged that generational pattern  all hell would break out.

For years now I knew that I wanted to write a book to help people. I did not have a clue as to how to do this. I just kept the vision or dream in my head and slowly the steps, procedures and direction it was to take was shown to me. I love teaching, writing, helping my students, GED students and adult learners, grow and nurture their development. I remember an old phrase someone told me long ago – To teach or educate is to touch a life.  You are going to be so excited as you grow, develop and see your intentions unfold. You will want to tell others – not everyone will be receptive. Do not let it discourage you – negative people and negative situations are everywhere – hold on to your dreams, desires and intentions and only share them with like-minded people. Let your results and life success speak for themselves. Then when these non-believers ask you how you achieved this, then explain what you are doing.

Learn more about reclaiming self-love in your life in Schantell’s latest book-- How to Raise Your Emotional Resonance/Vibrations Naturally: A Practical Guide for Living the Law of Attraction (Love Yourself Series Book 2)…


               ?tag=tangomagcom-20 Schantell Wharton, MSE, has been a teacher and educator for the last twenty years. She has worked with students, parents, teachers, school administrators, counselors, therapists and anyone who wants to help themselves by improving the quality of their life by choice. When she is not teaching, she is busy writing books, songs and poetry, and giving lectures as an Energy Modality Consultant. She specializes in Peak Performance in Life Goals, Business and Sports, and in Speech Communications. She helps clients overcome their fears – including self-hatred and negativity, fear of public speaking, performance anxiety, writing speeches and presentations. She does personal coaching, e-classes; group sessions over the phone and via Skype.  She is an intuitive empathy who enjoys the journey.  Schantell Wharton is an intuitive, empathic, woman. She is highly sensitive to emotions and energy and has been on a lifelong journey to learn how to integrate emotionally and navigate the world. She loves helping people embrace their gifts and experience personal growth and transformation. She is a minister who wants to serve the world by helping them heal, one person at a time. She encourages people to stop living and eating unconsciously and hopes that more people will wake up to conscious competence and live the wonderful life meant for them. Schantell Wharton




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