5 Summer Exercises To Bring Happiness In Your Life

News feeds and hot chocolate are over rated. These cool suggestions will warm you up.

Skater Chick

It was January a minute ago; the resolution hangover is rearing its ugly head, reminding us, that yes, once again, we're riding into a summer guilt trip. There were high hopes of undoing 2014's indulgences but who wants to trek through arctic temperatures and listen to the deafening positivity of your least favorite spin instructor. I'm only here for the latest club music anyway. 

So that guilt trip, it probably weighs more than that high school kids bench press. Another beefy dude, and that Instagram girl — forget it, no gym, no news feed, no more ice-glazed clouds, I'm rerunning Crazy Stupid Love for the thousandth time. I'm sure I can burn some calories rehearsing the Dirty Dancing routine with my yellow lab. 


You know what, maybe it's not a guilt trip; maybe it's the “winter blues."   Research from the Mayo Clinic suggests Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects 3 million people every year, peaking in the fall and winter months, afflicting more women than men.

So you didn't conquer the winter indulgences, life isn't Instagram.  The warmer weather and bluer skies make it less likely that we'll suffer from spring or summer SAD. Time to hang ten because these summer activities will elevate your mood and pry you away from office stress bring happiness in your life.

1. Take A Surfing Lesson 

This sits atop my bucket list but who doesn't love a good day at the beach? Foremost, if you pay for a lesson you're more likely to show up but really we all want to experience the thrill of that first wave. Even if you digest half-a-pound of sand in the process.


2. Trail Running 

In the adapted words of Matthew McConaughey, my favorite actor, you'll never feel like your souls more on fire than booking it down the hill of a trail. I just broke a sweat thinking about it.  Aerobic exercise has been proven to ward off feeling the blues – maybe it's because they're on fire…

3. Pick-up Sports  

Whenever I feel angst I get a certain urge to drive some golf balls or grand slam at the batting cages. Maybe that's not your thing; tennis rackets and basketball hoops need some loving too. Call some friends and make it a date.

4. Walk

For God's sake isn’t the treadmill the best and worst piece of gym equipment. Forget the Friends reruns, snag your favorite play list, and traipse about town.


5. Kayak/Canoe/Row

Most local lakes will have rentals available, pick a Sunday afternoon, text your friend for a bottle of red, and away you go. Between orienting in circles and the laughter your core muscles will engage in one heck of a workout. 

Though the last couple of months were not ideal there's plenty of reason to enjoy the time ahead. You can tag your favorite Insta-fit celebrity and show off what a good time you’re having.  Or me, so I can vicariously live through your surfing adventures. 
