Empowering Women

Additional Expertise

Life Coach, Marriage/Couples Counselor, Relationship Coach, Speaker/Presenter

About Kara Oh

When asked what I do, I simply say, "I teach women how to love." It's strange that one of the most important aspects of our lives, to give and receive love, is not taught in any school. It's like raising children...we're simply expected to know how to do it.

What I've noticed is that too many women struggle because they lack self-confidence in some part of their life. That more than anything is what keeps them from experiencing the love and happiness they desire.

I know about this because I was painfully, painfully insecure for too many years of my life. It wasn't until I was in my late 30's that I developed a step-by-step system that allowd me to replace my lack of confidence, insecurity and shyness with a new sense of self-assurance that feels amazing.

Because it worked so well for me, I began teaching my techniques to other women. What happened was nothing short of amazing.

Now, with the magic of the internet, I've taken my 27 years of facilitating workshops and seminars, as well as private coaching, and now offer the techniques and processes I've developed to help women around the world uncover the blocks that keep them from being as happy as they’d like to be and from experiencing the depth of love they desire.

I don’t believe true happiness and lasting love happen by accident. It takes conscious desire and effort, using methods and techniques you can easily learn to incorporate into your daily life, so you can enjoy ever-expanding love and happiness.

Kara Oh Articles