9 Complications To Watch Out For During Pregnancy

It's always best to be on the safe side.

9 Complications To Watch Out For During Pregnancy

Complications of pregnancy are certain health problems that may occur during pregnancy. There are women who have certain health problems before they get pregnant which may lead to various complications, but some problems arise during pregnancy. Sometimes, pregnancy problems arise even in women of good health! Prenatal tests during pregnancy help to prevent these problems. Be assured that you will get a healthy, normal baby when your health problems are under control and you get proper prenatal care!


Pregnancy-related complications

During pregnancy, certain complications may arise which can endanger the health of the mother and the baby. These complications may increase the possibility of high-risk pregnancy.

It is important to be aware of such problems to diagnose, manage and treat them before they become worse.

  1. Miscarriage: Miscarriage is a pregnancy loss that occurs from natural causes before 20 weeks of pregnancy. According to gynecologists, about 20% of pregnancies results in miscarriage. Its various signs include cramping, fluid passing from the vagina or vaginal bleeding or spotting. If you experience these signs, contact your health care provider immediately!
  2. Hyperemesis Gravidarum: When a woman is pregnant it is common for her to experience some nausea, but if it gets severe then it may lead to other serious complications. This condition is termed Hyperemesis gravidarum. It may lead to dehydration if you cannot drink or eat anything. It is harmful for the baby! Contact your doctor for proper advice; he may suggest certain changes in your diet or may prescribe medication.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy: Ectopic pregnancy takes place when the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, often in the fallopian tube. In an ectopic pregnancy, the egg cannot develop. A woman undergoing an ectopic pregnancy can experience various symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, feeling faint, abdominal pain and shoulder pain. With the help of drug or surgery ectopic tissue is removed to prevent any damage to the organs.
  4. Placenta previa: This is a condition in which placenta covers an entire or a part of cervix opening inside the uterus. If it is diagnosed after the 20 weeks of pregnancy with no bleeding a woman is suggested to take complete bed rest. But if the bleeding is severe, hopsitalization may be required to keep the mother and baby stable. The symptoms includes painless vaginal bleeding during the second or third trimester.
  5. Bleeding: If a woman is having severe abdominal pain and bleeding heavily during the first trimester, then it could be an indication of ectopic pregnancy (see number 3), which can be fatal. Women undergoing ectopic pregnancies often also experience menstrual-like cramps. Heavy bleeding in the early second trimester could also be a sign of miscarriage. When it happens in the third trimester along with abdominal pain it may lead to placental abruption which takes place when the placenta separates from the uterine lining. Health experts say that bleeding is a serious problem during pregnancy; it requires immediate treatment.
  6. Anemia: Anemia occurs when the number of healthy blood cells falls lower than normal. A woman feels faint, looks pale, experiences shortness of breath and feels tired. Pregnancy-related anemia requires folic acid and iron supplementation. Doctors keep your iron levels under observation to prevent anemia during pregnancy.
  7. High Blood Pressure: Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, occurs when arteries that carry blood from the heart to other organs of the body become narrow. This increases pressure in the arteries. During pregnancy this can make it difficult for blood to reach the placenta, which supplies oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. It can affect the growth of the fetus and increase the risk of preeclampsia and preterm labor. Some women already have high blood pressure before they become pregnant. To keep it under control they have to take medications throughout their pregnancy. Gestational hypertension that occurs during the second trimester goes away after delivery.
  8. Premature labor and birth: Premature labor starts before 37 weeks of gestation. Any baby born before 37 weeks is at a high risk for certain health problems. Some conditions increase the risk of premature labor. These include having a shorter cervix, earlier preterm births or infections. Premature labor can sometimes be stopped or slowed by medication.
  9. Preeclampsia: The cause of Preeclampsia is unknown; it is a severe medical condition that may lead to premature delivery. Several women are at increased risk due to existing conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure or systemic lupus erythematosus. Other risk factors include obesity, carrying two or more fetuses, preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy or being above 35 years of age.