Are You A Good Companion?

When reading the surveys that I receive, many people express that they want a good companion ...


When reading the surveys and the questionnaires that I receive, many people express that they want a committed partner and someone that is a good companion. I started thinking about this relationship question: what makes a good companion? Do you have what it takes to be a good companion to your love interest?

Here are 7 ways that you can be a good life partner and companion to someone. Ask yourself these relationship questions:


1. Do you have fun together and find you can be playful and light-hearted with one another? With the right partner you can be silly together and laugh with one another. Also you get one another’s jokes and humor.

2. Are you a good listener where you help your partner feel heard? You can express empathy without having to solve their problem. You seek to understand your partner, and are sensitive to his or her needs and requests.

3. Are you willing to go along with your partner into their world by spending time with their friends, family and colleagues, as well as, part take in their activities and interest? Perhaps you may go to the occasional hockey game with his work buddies and their wives even though this not an activity you would choose to do on your own!


4. Are you willing to compromise and consider what’s best for you as a couple instead of just the individual? What is important here is to be working to find livable solutions for the “we” instead of only thinking what’s in it for “me”! If your partner gets a desirable oversees assignment, you may try and work out a way with your work to join your partner for some part of that time.

5. Are you able to express appreciation for having your partner in your life? You can do this both verbally and by your actions such as gift giving or helping your partner with a chore in order to make their life a bit easier. One example of this is you offering to bring home dinner after a difficult day at work.

6. When your partner and you disagree about a subject or situation, do you have an understanding that it is okay to agree to disagree? You are able to listen to your partner’s point of view with respect and kindness, even though you may not be on the same page.

7. Can you go with the flow and accommodate your partner’s simple requests? So if your partner needs to pick up tennis balls for her game tomorrow at the store in between dinner and a movie, you are more than happy to go along and take this quick diversion from your plans.


There you have it! How did you rate? Was this easy for you or more difficult for you to answer these relationship questions? What relationship skills do you need to work on so you can be a good companion to someone?
And, what would you add to this list of relationship questions?

This curious coach would like to know!

Warm Wishes,

Coach Amy


PS. You can get some more relationship skills tips and download a FREE chapter of my book “Get It Right This Time- How to Find and Keep Your Ideal Romantic Partner” at