When Do You Know It’s Too Late To Get Your Guy Back?

No matter how badly you want to get your guy back into your life you cannot help but wonder when


No matter how badly you want to get your guy back into your life you cannot help but wonder when, if ever, it’s too late. Sure, your friends may be telling you to just move on with your life and forget about him. They may even be telling you that he’s not coming back because they have seen him out with his friends having a good time. Do you listen to these well meaning friends? Or, do you listen to the part of yourself that tells you what you had with him was the real thing?


How long do you continue to wait, hope and wonder when your ex will be back in your arms?

The answer is simple: You don’t wait, hope and wonder. That is pretty much a waste of time when your goal is to get your guy back. You have to take action.
What you need is a way to take charge of your life and go for what you really want. And, if what you want is to get your guy back then you are going to need a plan – a good one. Whatever you were doing on the day he left, or on the day that you left, was obviously not working for one of you.

So how do you reverse the course that your relationship is on…even if technically you’re not together anymore? Is there a limited time frame you must be aware of? Is there a narrowing window of opportunity which limits your ability to reverse the course you’re on…the course that risks you losing him forever?


You could convince yourself that when it comes to “true love” it is never too late. But, your life isn’t a Hollywood screenplay and the cold hard truth is that the longer you are apart the less likely you will get your guy back. There are lots of things that you can lose him to if you don’t do the right things right now.

But don’t panic. With the right information getting your guy back into your arms and into your life can be accomplished in record time. The trick is to have the confidence that it can be done and then make all the right moves to make it happen.
Don’t waste your precious time with bad advice from well meaning friends. Remember, they want to protect you from being hurt. But all you want is to get your guy back and build a better relationship.

And there is one of the most important points of your plan – building better relationships. But the relationship that you are building will be with yourself as much as it is with your ex boyfriend. You must know what to focus on and where to point your energies in order to get your guy back before your window of opportunity closes.

Email me anytime at lori@loripinkerton.com and ask me questions so I can help you in this area.


For more information from Lori Pinkerton and to learn how to get your ex back in 21 days head on over to www.AttractYourExBlueprint.com