3 Things Dua Lipa's "New Rules" Lyrics Get Wrong About Breakups

The hit single gets a few things wrong.

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By Damian Ginting

Twenty one years into my life, I have been listening to my friends’ never-ending stories about their blue relationships. It once got me to the point where I thought that my friends may indeed be the root of the problem. But in the end, I always trust my friends (of course!) and start giving feedbacks against their partners… again.

"New Rules" declared by Dua Lipa is still considered the best break up advice. I have no choice but to agree on those three don’ts back then since they are very easy to understand – not like those regulations in Catholic high schools. She also seems to prove that pretty people cope with troublesome relationships as well. What’s not to follow? That’s why people would turn so quickly into following her suggestions.


After applying an inversion concept, here are the new ‘New Rules’ I propose to help dealing with an ex.

RELATED: Who Is Dua Lipa? 7 Details About The 'New Rules' Singer's Music, Life, Loves & Relationship Rumors

1. Don’t Pick Up the Phone

When he calls you, pick up the phone. Be straightforward. Tell him that you are done with him including all the details on why he should have given you your peaceful life back, even if he makes you feel like nobody else. When you decide not to pick up the phone, you’ll be left feeling haunted by curiosity and frustration. You ain’t getting over him in the future and end up being the one who make the phone call.


2. Don’t Let Him In

Let him back in your life as a lesson. Having experienced a virtuous tragedy isn’t worth the waste. Inspect all his natures. You gotta bone up everything on a jerk to know how to handle one, or better, to dodge one. However, if your love memory overtakes your assessment, I’ll go with Dua this time. You’ll have to kick him out again.

RELATED: Staying Friends With An Ex Is The Worst Idea Ever, Says Study

3. Don’t Be His Friend

It’s still healthy to maintain a friendship with an ex. First, it helps you avoid awkward moments. Imagine queueing at the same Starbucks. You don’t want to pretend read fictitious texts, do you?

Then, you can actually revive an old friendship. Don’t you miss snapchatting each other ugly faces, just before the romance started to spark? It’s possible to have those moments back. You just need to balance your head and your heart. Besides, you don’t have to force the mutual group to pick a side.


Remember that you must always be kind to others, no matter who they are and what they’ve done. After all, we are all humans that are inseparable from mistakes, aren’t we? It sure takes time to heal all the wounds but you’ll still be okay eventually.

However, allow me to spill this tea for those who want to do something for satisfaction (I’m talking about payback). Just be tender and affectionate to him, as normal as possible, but still pay attention to the limit. It’s time to channel your Academy Award-winning talent. Run through all the layers of a kosher soul mate. Practice makes perfect. Try to learn it by heart. Eat, sleep, and breathe it. Rehearse and repeat it. 

Over the long haul, he may think that it would be possible for you guys to get back together while the fact is otherwise. Keep him friend-zoned. You’ll be good and he’ll be hurt. Since revenge is a personal retaliation, you must decide yourself on whether you’ll be a genuinely or vengefully good friend at this stage.

There will be no more talking in your sleep at night or writing it down and reading it out.


I’ve got new rules, I count ‘em.

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