Wife Takes Cheating Husband's Lover On A Walk Of Shame

Now we've seen everything.

husband cheating on wife in bed Getty Images

Well, someone is a fan of the Game of Thrones Walk of Shame scene.

And one woman seemed to take her fangirling to a new extreme after discovering that her husband was cheating on her. 

In 2017, a wife in Cubatao, Sao Paulo, Brazil caught her cheating husband in bed with a 20-year-old young woman

Before ripping all her clothes off, the scorned wife slashed some hair off the frightened mistress.

But that wasn’t enough.


The unnamed wife dragged the young woman from her friend’s apartment, which she followed her husband to, and walked her down the street in front of a row of apartments, and a growing audience.

RELATED: This Woman Says She Cheats Because She's 'Too Hot' For Her Husband

Does anyone else hear the jingle of a bell and the word “shame” being repeated over and over? Just me?

The teenage sons of the couple (well, now ex-couple) recorded the entire fiasco as they egged people on to watch. 

Family and friends shared the video on social media (apparently finding nothing wrong with it?), which prompted numerous complaints to the police.


The wife posted on her social media, “I do not give a damn what they think or stop thinking.

I'll show you how you deal with the traitors of a married man. I just got this sl*t with my husband, ex-husband from today.”

The young woman was later picked up by the cheating husband, who had been too afraid to step in during his wife's vicious attack on his mistress (this guy sounds like a real winner, right?) and helped her find her clothes. 

RELATED: Forget The Other Woman — Your Husband Is To Blame For His Affair

Although police in Sao Paolo began an investigation after the attack to find the young woman, she eventually went to a station on her own to give a statement on the incident. 


According to the young woman, who was brought to the police station by her sister to make the statement, the husband had claimed to be single and they had been together for 5 months. 

The alleged attacker, AKA the very angry wife, was arrested on suspicion of threat, bodily injury, injury, defamation, the crime of intolerance, and violence against women, and torture.

If she is charged and convicted, she could face up to 10 years in prison.

At the regional police station in Cubatao, a spokesman stated that the alleged attack was questioned and their police headquarters were investigating the case. 

So folks, what lesson did we learn today? The women of Brazil are no joke.


Keep your junk in your trunk and stop messing around.

Also, maybe don't have an affair while dating a Brazillian woman. 

RELATED: 8 Reasons Why You Hate 'The Other Woman' More Than Your Cheating Husband

Liza Walters is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture, and relationship topics. She has been featured in Today, BUST Magazine, Ravishly, and more.