
What To Eat (According To Your Female Body Type) If You Want To Lose Weight

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how to lose weight

Human beings are all different. We are unique snow flakes... unless we're talking about female body types. 

When it comes to learning how to lose weight and weight loss, we are all eager to jump on whatever trend workout or diet is sweeping the nation. The truth is, eating for your body type is one of the best ways to get the weight off and feel healthy. 

RELATED: 13 Major Benefits Of Healthy Eating — No Matter Your Age

(I mean, if that's your bag. I love you just the way you are. So does your mom. Plus, I hear your hot neighbor is way into you.)

Scientists have separated all human beings into three groups (science, you jerk). If you are eating for your body type, the world, apparently, will be your oyster. 

1. Body type: Endomorphs

The body type: I fall into this category. But I mean, so does Kim Kardashian, so like, there's room for all of us. Endomorphs have high body fat levels and a tendency to gain weight quickly. They tend to be shorter and excel at weightlifting. I, for one, love picking up and putting down a barbell — ask anyone at my BodyPump class.

What they should eat: Endomorphs should stick to fats and proteins and avoid carbs. Low-calorie snacks like fruits and veggies are your jam if you're looking to snack accordingly. Some berries and nuts are great if you're working out and need an energy burst. I'm having pasta for dinner, so make of that what you will.

2. Body type: Ectomorphs 

The body type: Think Kate Moss-era supermodel — long, lanky, and lean, lean, lean. Ectomorphs have a hard time building muscle due to their super-speedy metabolisms.

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What they should eat: They should eat stuff that's super rich to help support muscle growth. Nut butters, complex carbs and all things rich in fat and protein are an Ectomorph's best friend (and also I hate them). Ectomorphs walk around doing stuff like eating entire chocolate bars in one gobble because they "need to." I share their spirit, if not their body type. 

3. Body type: Mesomorphs

The body type: This body type is a medium frame with an athletic frame. Think Jennifer Aniston. God, she is wonderful. I could drink all the Smart Water in the world and never be so great. Okay, enough thinking about Jennifer Aniston. Back to science. 

Mesomorphs have a high metabolic rate and tend to have low fat levels, but building muscle ain't a problem for these broads. For them, protein is key to a healthy weight and muscle growth.

What they should eat: Think lots of tuna, hard boiled eggs, and whole wheat treats. 

Whatever your body type, whether it's male or female body types, most scientists agree that a balanced diet is the key to healthy lifestyle. So don't worry if you're "not allowed" to eat carbs. Go ahead and eat them. Just make sure you're eating lots of leafy greens and protein, too!

You are more than your body type. Now go forth and nosh! 

RELATED: 15 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Starting Your Weight Loss Journey

Rebecca Jane Stokes is a writer living in Brooklyn, New York with her cat, Batman. She hosts the love and dating advice show, Becca After Dark on YourTango's Facebook Page every Tuesday and Thursday at 10:15 pm Eastern. For more of her work, check out her Tumblr.