Caramel Green Apple Smoothie Recipe (Vegan, Paleo, Raw!)

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Green Apple Smoothie Yuri Elkaim
A little PSA:

Packaged food isn’t food.

Sugar isn’t food.

Cake isn’t food.

Frosting isn’t food.

Pancakes, french toast, and waffles aren’t food.

So many of the traditional "foods" …aren’t food.

Food is the stuff that grows on the earth.

Food is fruit and vegetable, preferably raw. Eaten and enjoyed in abundance.

Start your days with a Green Smoothie to ensure you’re getting tons of raw, absorbable nutrients first thing in the morning. Then skip the stuff that isn’t food and enjoy the stuff that is real food as often as you like.


Start with this caramel-green apple superfood smoothie. Chock full of naturally sweet mesquite powder, this delicious smoothie delivers tons of sweet caramel flavor without any sugar. Packed full of plant-based protein, raw greens, and fiber-filled apples, you can enjoy this smoothie everyday and kickstart your weight loss, too.


Green Apple Caramel Smoothie
A refreshing way to start your day, switch up your Green Smoothie routine, and add a little “apple spice” to your life.
  • 2 green apples
  • 4 cups spinach
  • 2 tablespoons raw almond butter
  • 1 tablespoon mesquite
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon apple pie spice
  • 1 tablespoon almond slices
  • 1 tablespoon hemp seeds
  • Maple syrup drizzle

Place apples, spinach, mesquite, almond milk, and apple pie spice in a high-speed blender. Blend until very smooth. Sprinkle with almond slices and help seeds. Drizzle with maple syrup. Serve and enjoy!

Yuri Elkaim is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and author of the NYTimes Best-selling book, "The All-Day Energy Diet." In his upcoming book, "The All-Day Fat-Burning Diet," (Rodale, 2015) he walks readers through a 5-day food cycling program guaranteed to double your weight loss. Look for it in bookstores December 2015.
