
5 Reasons Smiling Is Going To Get You Laid Tonight


There are many things that can attract the opposite sex. Studies have showed us that red is the color that lures in men, confidence, on the part of both genders, is really appealing, and certain shapes of a man’s face can really have an impact on whether or not a woman will talk to him at a bar. Study after study, tell us all the ways in which we can amp up our relationship status, and now we have another one to add to the list: Smiling is awesome for your sex life.

Since today, October 3rd is World Smile Day, EliteSingles put together some pretty interesting facts about how smiling can do wonders for your sex life. And the best part is, unlike dropping money for a red dress, or taking a class in how to get more self esteem, smiling is easy peasy — anyone can do it.

Studies have found that while eye contact in a bar can definitely get a guy motivated to come talking to you, it only worked 20 percent of the time. In contrast, it's women who make both eye contact and give a smile, who were approached 60 percent of the time. Apparently, the simple act of smiling results in feelings of relaxation and optimism for both the one doing the smiling and the one looking at Ms. Smiley. As someone who’s most comfortable when rocking perpetual bitch face, I’m somewhat surprised by this news, but I guess, not really. Smiling makes people look friendly and trustworthy, too.

It's also been found that a "smiling, natural face," is more attractive and appealing for 69 percent of people, as opposed to a face adorned in make-up. And, it can make your voice sound sexier, because of all that relaxation going on with your mouth. Am I totally being like that random guy on the street who’s constantly telling you to smile? I hope not, because he’s a jerk, and I just care about your love life. But seriously, there is a lot of power in a smile, especially when it comes to meeting new people, opening up your heart, and letting your guard down.

Do you need a few more reasons to show off those pearly whites? Then check out the infographic to see how else smiling more could get you laid this weekend.