The Beauty Secret That Will Completely Change Your Routine

Say Goodbye to Post-Wax Uncomfortableness

The Beauty Secret That Will Completely Change Your Routine

The Beauty Secret That Will Completely Change Your Routine

For so many women, waxing is a part of your everyday beauty regime - date night, bikini weather, or maybe you just want to wear that cute new skirt. However, all forms of hair removal can leave you highly susceptible to germs, infection, and bacteria—can you say ingrown hairs and razor nicks? Ouch!

You're a girl on the go. You have things to do, places to be, and all of it involves your skin. You don't have time for those bumps, redness and irritation to just disappear on their own time. Isn't the whole point of hair removal so you can flaunt your awesome, flawlessly silky legs? You’re wasting precious show-off time hiding them under those jeans!


Here's a hack: You can cut angry red skin completely out of your life by using an antiseptic like finipil® after you shave, wax or use an electric razor. By protecting the hair follicle after removal, you're actually cutting out irritation before it even begins. A strong and effective antiseptic can save you entire days of waiting around for your skin to calm down.

When you get wax or shave, your hair is being pulled out from the follicle along with all the surrounding dead skin. This is the time when it's most sensitive and susceptible to irritation or even infection. finipil® is an FDA-registered, over-the-counter antiseptic that kills 99.999% of germs and bacteria. It protects, prevents ingrown hairs and calms the skin, three things simply using regular lotion on your newly smooth legs won't do. Awesome, right?


Oh, did we mention that finipil® isn't just for your post-hair-removal routine? It’s also a moisturizer and sanitizer. It provides rash, sunburn and itching relief. It helps your skin heal during breakouts. And it's dermatologist-approved. 

It's time for us to toss that old adage “no pain, no gain” out the tenth floor window. Trust us, this beauty hack will set you free from waiting for that irritated skin to subside and lets you get on with your busy lifestyle. To angry, irritated skin we say: got one less problem without ya!

finipil® has been endorsed by the salon industry for over 30 years. Visit for more info.

Presented by finipil®
