Oh Mama! 3 Steamy Ways To Spark Romance After Having Kids

How do you bring sexy back AFTER the baby bump?

couple on a date

Lots of new moms aren't exactly in the mood for sex once Baby arrives, but if your guy isn't initiating either, don't assume he's not interested. A study from the University of Michigan suggests that a key reason dads avoid nooky is that they're worried about hurting their still-recovering partner. But you can feel close again without actual intercourse, says sexologist Pepper Schwartz, Ph.D., coauthor of The Normal Bar: the Surprising Secrets of Normal Couples: "It's about connecting in a physical and emotional way." Here's how.


Plan a Baby-Free Date Night

Getting away from diapers will remind you both that you're people, not just parents, Schwartz says.

Get the rest of the tips over at FitPregnancy: 3 Sex Tips That Help You Bring Sexy Back After Baby
