Love, Family

German Shepherd And Piglet Form Loving, Unbreakable Bond


Wild Moon Organics Farm has a special scenario on its hands.

This British Columbia farm, run by Richard Quiring, was the birthplace of Sophie, the runt of a litter of Berkshire pigs. The tiny pig was too small and weak to even get to her mother's milk, so Richard's son stepped in and nursed her back to health. But it was when Duke came in that the real magic began.

The large German Shepherd took an instant liking to Sophie and the two have become inseparable. They are both considered family members, and can be spotted all over the farm, eating together, napping in the sun or just enjoying each other. "Sophie has the run of the yard. She doesn't go to the pasture where the other pigs are, she just stays in the yard and hangs out with Duke and enjoys her freedom and the sun," Richard Quiring said.

Further proof that animals can love as deeply as us.

Check out these precious photos of Duke and Sophie!