Don't Fake It, Ladies! 8 Reasons Guys Love It When You Orgasm

Your big O is pretty much the highlight of his night.

couple in bed

You're familiar with the fortune cookie game, right? The one where you say "in bed" after you read your fortune? Well I once cracked open a cookie to find this: "You need to dedicate more time to others." ... in bed.

Needless to say, I was offended. Who did this cookie think it was? And what did it know about my bedroom performance? I'm not a selfish lover! At least, I try not to be. And I'm not alone: Most men care about more than just our own big finish. We want you to get yours, too, and a new study even proved it. Men really get off on women crossing the finish line.


Still don't believe that me? Here are eight reasons we love it when you orgasm:  

We like to feel accomplished
You ever see a guy right after he receives a promotion at work? Or after his fantasy football team wins the league? He stands a little taller, puffs his chest out a little more. We crave that sense of achievement in the bedroom, too. So even if your guy's drooling into his pillow, if you just had an orgasm, you can bet he's dreaming the dreams of a champion.

Big Os bring us closer
Orgasms flood both our brains with the bonding hormone oxytocin. It makes you feel more connected, love-y, and just all around awesome. And hey, why should we experience this feel-good cocktail on our own? Read the rest over at Women's Health: 8 Reasons Guys Love It When You Orgasm


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