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Sofia Vergara Dishes On Her Powerful Latina Sex Appeal

Sofia Vergara black dress

Sofia Vergara is hot, hot hot! 

Who doesn't love the bombshell? She brings new meaning to what sexy is all about, and men all over the country tune in to watch her on Modern Family for her curves, comedic timing and heavenly accent. We're pretty sure women have a crush on her too – we sure do! Modern Family's Ty Burrell & Wife Adopt Their Second Daughter

For their April issue, Esquire features the gorgeous 40-year-old and asks her to explain the allure of Latina women. She also talks about her "All-American" boyfriend, Nick Loeb, and her 20-year-old son (which is hard to believe she has). We can't get enough of her her sass and wit in the interview:

Vergara on how Latinas fight, get over it and move on:
"One time I was screaming with my sister. Then the next day, I told (Nick) I was having lunch with her... It's not out of the ordinary where I come from. Everybody's like that. It's better that way. You forget about what's bothering you. It's not like you're holding it inside, you know? You get it out — and it's over with." 

On embracing her sexuality:  
"Look, if you're sexy, if you like dressing sexy, you're not doing anything more than feeling beautiful. A Latina just wants to walk into a place and feel great. Somebody is going to turn around and look. So a Latina better find a guy who understands that, even appreciates it, because it's a compliment." AskMen's Most Desirable Woman of 2012 Is... Sofia Vergara!

On how she values having a nanny & maid, as is popular in South America:
"I always tell my guy friends who are complaining that their Latina girlfriends want a maid: 'Listen, this is for your own good. You don't want a woman who is tired all day long, taking care of the kids, cooking, doing everything. She'll never be any fun. She'll never want to go out with you because she'll be exhausted. She'll never want to sleep with you. So this is an investment you're making for your love life. Think of it that way.'"

On sex:
"I guess at the end of the day, all women like to be appreciated and treated with respect and kindness. We all want to have sex in a romantic way. But with a Latina, you're going to have more fun."

We should all try to think like a Latina and go feel beautiful like Sofia!

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