How To Handle A Husband Who's Aging Faster Than You

A common issue in middle-age relationships.

woman with hourglass

It happens in so many later-middle-age relationships: The man, a few years older than the woman to begin with, shows signs of aging at a faster pace than the woman does, leaving her frustrated on a number of levels.

If this is simply a dating couple, and the woman isn't fully committed to the relationship, she may bolt at this point. If they're a married (or live-together) couple, breaking up for this reason is unlikely but not unheard of. Most women, though opt for less extreme solutions…while others simply sigh in resignation or grouse to their friends. Fortunately there are some answers.


The problems

One set of problems, of course, is those brought about by health issues. To begin with, men typically don't take care of their health as earnestly as women do. Then, in addition, the average male in a couple is older than the woman. As a result, he may not be up for going for walks with her anymore, or engaging in other physical activities with her.

Food is another area rife with strife. The man's newfound health issues may require restrictions in his diet, leaving the woman frustrated whether they're eating in or dining out. At home, suddenly she can't prepare a whole assortment of recipes from her repertoire, including many of her favorites. If dining out, her favorite restaurant may suddenly be off-limits because there's nothing there he can eat.


Perhaps most troublesome of all is the issue of sex. The man's sex drive may have dropped markedly. On top of that, he may have erectile dysfunction, either brought about by age, or caused by one of the meds he's now taking, or perhaps as a result of prostate surgery. Third Age: Sex And Coffee Can Trigger Stroke

The solutions

Let's start by taking apart the woman's desire to go walking with the man. There are two things she wants: To engage in a pleasurable activity with him, and to have someone to go walking with.  She needs to do two things: Find someone else to engage in these activities with, and find something more sedentary she can enjoy doing with the man. Now is the time when her friends will be more necessary to her than ever. They can be her companions when she wants to do something physical that the man will no longer take part in.

Read the rest of the article on ThirdAge: When He's Getting Older Faster Than You


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