‘Wedcasts’ Share The Fun For Those Who Can’t Make It To The Nuptials

‘Wedcasts’ Can Help Share the Fun For Those Who Can’t Make It To The Nuptials

From The Boston Globe Via The International Herald Tribune By Kimberly Blanton

After a recent string of medical emergencies, Margaret D'Arcy cannot bring herself to fly to the Caribbean and away from her doctors. But D'Arcy, 74, would also not think of missing her nephew's wedding in the Cayman Islands. So she is looking forward to watching the ceremony - via the Internet.

Like a growing number of couples with family scattered around the globe, John Wagner, D'Arcy's nephew, and his bride, Sinead Quinn, hired a videographer with the ability to Webcast their December ceremony live by using a local company, OurCaymanWedding.com.


"We're all scattered, but the love is there," D'Arcy, of Hingham, Massachusetts, said. "It'll be awesome" to watch, she said, "right when it's happening."

Tango’s Take Finally. We mean we’re ‘interested’ in our cousin’s wedding in Ontario (if that is a real place), but not interested enough to get on a plane and fly all the way up there. Have you ever waited in a customs line? It is miserable. And all those people. Sure, they seemed nice and all when you were walking by them on your way to your seat but it’s a different story when you’re behind them in line for three hours. Plus, are you really going to bring a date all that way when you barely know the guy/gal? And if you don’t bring a date, there’s a chance that someone you hook up with could be distantly related and/or may tell your family about that weird thing you like. Anyway, this ‘wedcast’ thing might just be what the doctor ordered. On the other hand, the lack of editing could be bad news bears for the people attending the wedding. The nervous best man who drops the ring, the wailing mother of the bride, the gassy groom, and the two dudes who think that they’re Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn. We’ll put this new technology in the field of “can be used for good or evil.”


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