The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes On October 4, 2022

The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes On October 4, 2022 Notjungcg Via Canva Pro/Asia Images Group Via Canva Pro/Digital Vision Via Canva Pro

As the Moon enters Aquarius, we may want to fly high our freak flags, so to speak.

And, as we all know, every time we do so, meaning, every time we show the world how brilliant-different-weird-unique we can be, we are certain to get looked at the wrong way. Aquarius doesn't care.

And Moon in Aquarius honors that lack of concern, however, it doesn't guarantee we'll get away with it.

That's why today has its ups and downs. On one hand, we'll be true to ourselves and happy to be that way, and on the other hand, we'll be knocked down simply for standing up.


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The rebels and weirdos are taking over! And with the Moon in Aquarius, certain zodiac signs will be completely one with the idea.

We want to be ourselves, and if being yourself means we stand alone and end up looking like the world's greatest fool, then so be it.



We don't care; we want to be unique today. We want to show off our eccentricities and differences...but as it goes with human beings, what they don't understand, they try to destroy.


Now, let's not assume anyone's going to rain on our parade today, or rather, destroy anything we do; they probably won't be able to touch us, however, the fact that we have such strong naysayers is enough to inhibit us, even during Moon in Aquarius. This is what puts a damper on the day.

The worst thing we can do to ourselves today is listen to the noise that comes from mass opinion. Do yourselves a favor; fly your flag high and try to ignore the moans and groans that come from those who only wish they were as brave as you.

Which three zodiac signs have rough horoscopes on October 4, 2022?

1. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21)

You'll wake up this morning feeling so good about yourself that you'll feel the courage to do something that you've never done before.


You feel creative and strong-willed, and with Moon in Aquarius on your side, you'll honestly come to believe that whatever it is you give today, it's excellent.

Your fiery spirit is on high today, except there's a problem here: nobody wants to have anything to do with you. You honestly have no idea as to how that has happened, as everybody in your life is generally pretty happy to have you around.

That is, until Moon in Aquarius pushes you a little far into your own eccentric desires, letting you think that everyone wants in on your idea.

The wake-up call: everyone thinks you're a bloody lunatic and they're not even up for humoring you. Today lets you experience a new kind of rudeness; the kind that comes from close friends and dear family members.


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2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

When you're not paying close attention to every detail and obeying every rule there is, you are expressing some of the most subversive thinking ever...and during Moon in Aquarius, you are one with this kind of dark energy.

You're not up for hearing anyone's opinion today, and the last thing you need is for someone to get in your way, or try to 'talk you down.' You feel as though life has robbed you of so much of your natural self-expression and today has you wanting to explode all over everyone.

You're not holding back today; you are going for the gold and in truth, you love feeling this way. Too bad you can't do it alone, or at least experience your powers without having to have a bunch of naysayers tell you that you're way out of line.


On that, you can depend, today, Capricorn. Today is the day you can know with all certainty that someone close to you will tear down everything that means anything to you.

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3. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18)

It's a rough day in Aquariusland, and that is because you don't understand why people think you're so strange, and it hurts your feelings.


You haven't quite gotten the grasp on people; you still think they are basically good, and while they may very well be, they are still the first to come down on your head when they don't like something you do.

It's as if your entire life is being lived for the approval and acceptance of a mob you have little to no respect for.

And why should you? All you want out of today is to be yourself, as weird or wonderful as that may be. During the Moon in Aquarius, you'll feel very strongly about bringing out your unique side even showing it off if need be.

But the world around you wants to stifle you, your talents, and your differences. Today is a harsh day for you because you feel like you'll never fit in, and that you'll never want to.


RELATED: What Makes Aquarius Zodiac Signs So Beautiful, Per Astrology


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
