Is Post Malone Single? Details About Why He And Ashlen Diaz Broke Up

Their relationship has always been a little rocky.

Is Post Malone Single? Details About Why He And Ashlen Diaz Broke Up getty

Is Post Malone single? While the rapper was most recently linked to longtime girlfriend Ashlen Diaz, it appears the couple may have broken up.

Until recently, Malone remained pretty tight-lipped about his relationship with Diaz. Once it was confirmed they were together (and for three years!), the two opened up a bit. Though Malone hasn’t posted an Instagram photo of he and Diaz together since 2015, Diaz was more social media-forward with their relationship, promoting Malone on her Instagram page and posting photos of the two of them.


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But did Malone and Diaz break up? It appears that as of recently, there are some signs that two are on the outs.

1. Who was the girl on the yacht with Post Malone?


Photo: Daily Mail

Rumors began circulating that Malone and Diaz may have broken up after Malone was spotted on vacation in St. Tropez after experiencing a scary flying emergency. TMZ posted photos of Malone aboard a yacht getting cozy with a woman who, at first glance, looks incredibly similar to Diaz.

However, TMZ reported that the woman with Malone wasn’t Diaz. According to Us Weekly, the photos actually came from a music video shoot.

2. Did Post Malone cheat on Ashlen?

You can take comfort in the fact that you’re not the only one invested in Post Malone’s love life. In fact, there’s a Reddit thread discussing Malone and Diaz’s relationship, and it’s spilt some tea.


According to the Redditors, Diaz has posted about Malone as recently as August 2018. She reportedly posted, “I'm literally crying right now I'm so proud of you Austin” after his VMA win, and after his broken plane landed she wrote “thank God” on her story. According to Reddit, she was even still posting things about him while he was on the yacht — with another woman.

3. She reportedly deleted photos of Post Malone from Instagram

Despite admittedly being “camera shy,” Diaz has shared photos of her and Malone together on Instagram, including recently for his birthday in July 2018 and a Valentine’s Day 2018 post. However, those posts have since been wiped from her account, which we know in today’s world is never really a good thing.

She didn’t delete all photos, however. There is still a photo of them next to each other in bed from March 2017. Further, their fans noted on Reddit that Diaz is guilty of frequently “clearing out” her Instagram feed.

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4. She uploaded a breakup playlist on Apple Music

You can’t be the girlfriend of one of today’s most popular artists and not have good taste in music. Diaz often shares her Apple Music playlists with her Instagram followers, recently sharing one titled “tunes 4 u.” The playlist is full of breakup songs with lyrics that point to a broken heart, such as “Giving Up,” “bitches broken hearts,” and “Wish You Were Gone.”

Of course, this is just circumstantial evidence. By “tunes 4 u,” Diaz could possibly just mean songs for her fans that she made the playlist for, and the music you listen to doesn’t always have to match your mood. However, paired with the rest of the apparent goings-on in their relationship, the songs are definitely telling.

5. They have an on-and-off relationship


Malone has admitted before that his relationship with Diaz isn’t always rainbows and butterflies. “It’s tough having a balance, between dedicating my life to music and dedicating time for Ashlen,” he told the hosts of The Breakfast Club in 2016. “It’s tough because you want to get into the studio, you want to do as good music as you can, sometimes you're real busy.”

In June 2018, Diaz revealed to fans that though she and Malone have been together for a while, it hasn’t been consecutive. “We take breaks,” she told fans during a concert Q&A.


6. A source confirmed Post Malone and Ashlen Diaz broke up

A source told Us Weekly that Post Malone and Diaz broke up a couple of months ago, claiming it was Diaz who broke it off with Post. However, another insider reportedly said the split was mutual and largely due to Posty's busy schedule, and that Diaz is "pretty upset about their breakup."

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Micki Spollen is a YourTango editor, writer, and traveler. Follow her on Instagram and keep up with her travels on her website.