2 Zodiac Signs Experiencing Abundance & Endless Optimism On May 4, 2024

On May 4, two specific zodiac signs experience abundance when the Moon in Pisces aligns with Jupiter in Taurus, creating an optimistic wave of energy.

woman experiencing abundance Michael Dagonakis via Unsplash / Aleksandra Konoplia Photos, Billion Photos, Darya Hrybouskaya, Sparklestroke And THP Creative via Canva

On Saturday, May 4, the Moon in Pisces will align with Jupiter, the planet of abundance, in Taurus, creating abundance for two specific zodiac signs. The energy of this conjunction helps you feel more optimistic about what you want to manifest in your life. 

The Moon rules over your emotional body, and in Pisces, it may seem that you only see events through rose-colored glasses. That may also be precisely what you need in order to make choices that are for your highest good. As the Piscean Moon aligns with Jupiter in Taurus, an opportune time occurs, helping you not only believe in the best possible outcome but also to say yes to the very opportunities that will help you manifest an abundant life. 


Look at your life and be amazed at how everything is truly happening for your highest good so that you can create all you have ever dreamed of.

2 zodiac signs experiencing abundance on May 4, 2024

1. Aquarius

aquarius abundance affirmation for may 4, 2024 Eduard Litonov and Aleksandra Konoplia Photos / Canva


Jupiter has been moving through Taurus since 2023, helping you to expand your sense of home and family and allowing you to heal what has been preventing you from living the most incredible life. While Jupiter’s era in Taurus is almost complete as it moves into Gemini on May 25, you are still able to use this energy to bring your dreams to fruition so that you can enjoy the abundant gift that your life is. The only thing that you must do is see how everything is actually happening for you, not to you.

When the Piscean Moon aligns with Jupiter in Taurus on May 4th, it brings you an opportunity to expand your life and create greater financial abundance that is based on what you’ve come to learn you deserve. The Pisces moon will draw on themes related to finances and self-worth, allowing you to become not only optimistic but also unapologetic about what you dream and know you deserve. 

As the Moon aligns with Jupiter, it will enable you to make decisions in your home and family, essentially saying yes to greater happiness and connection so that you are truly able to enjoy the life that you have created. The energy of the Piscean Moon and Jupiter in Taurus may also bring up opportunities or offers related to home and family, such as those around purchasing a new property, moving in with a romantic partner, or any change that helps to create more of the life you have dreamed of. Regardless of what it is, you are being urged to say yes not just to the offer but also to the universe as you become aware that you are finally being offered everything you’ve dreamed of.

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2. Scorpio

scorpio abundance affirmation for may 4, 2024 Eduard Litonov and Aleksandra Konoplia Photos / Canva

While financial wealth may be the answer to some of what you want to manifest in your life, don’t underestimate what love, connection and joy can offer as well. Recently, there has been a strong desire to focus more on your material wealth and finances. While this is an area that will continue to grow (especially as Jupiter shifts into Gemini on May 25, highlighting themes of inheritances), you also must make space for an abundance of love to take root as well. All the money in the world won’t bring about the life that brings you true joy, so learning to find a balance between the two is what can help you genuinely smile at the life you are creating.

On May 4th, the Piscean Moon will align with Jupiter in Taurus, highlighting these themes of romance, love, and joy. The Moon in Pisces highlights the pursuit of the joy and creativity that you want to commit more to, while Jupiter in Taurus helps to expand your romantic life, either in an existing relationship or helping to bring about a new connection. Let yourself hold space not just for financial and career success, but for romance as well. You deserve a life that is abundant in every sense of the word, which means you also want to have someone to enjoy all of the wealth and beauty you are currently manifesting in your life.


Take time to explore your thoughts and feelings about love and relationships during the energy the Piscean Moon and Jupiter in Taurus will usher into your life. As you take time to honor what it would mean to have an abundant romantic relationship, you can get a better sense of what you can do to ensure that is what you are creating. The person you choose to be with won’t just bring greater joy or romance into your life, but also holds the power to shape your entire path, so focus on what you want more of and let yourself believe that you can genuinely have it all.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. 
