Sick Of Being Single? 5 Fun Ways To Snag A Man WITHOUT Going Online

It's time to get out there!

Dating Tips For Snaging A Man WITHOUT Going Online iStock

Hate the single life but hate online dating even more? That doesn't mean you just give up on finding love.  

Take a look at your social calendar from the past month. How proactive have you been lately? How many dates have you gone on?

If being in a loving relationship within the next 12 months is your goal, then you must go on a few good, solid first dates each month. So, where to find those first date prospects?

If you're disillusioned with online dating or if you're just not comfortable putting yourself out there in that way, here are some fun, alternate options definitely worth your consideration:

  1. Singles Events. Dating well takes practice, and the best way to get that practice is to surround yourself with single people, and do so often. With that in mind, I encourage you to attend singles gatherings twice a month. Do a quick Google search to find Meet Up groups, speed dating and singles events clubs in your area.

    Your mission while you're there at the event? To bring a smile to the face of each person you meet. Bring personal cards so you can easily share your contact information with each new friend.
  2. Dating Coaches. We don't know what we don't know and we can't see our own blind spots, right? Dating coaches can give you tips on what you might be doing wrong and what you may want to do going forward. Luckily, some of the best dating coaches provide lots of free advice through blogs, podcasts, webinars and some offer a free introductory call. 
  3. Your Personal Network. This is bold, but I did it myself, many moons ago, and it was amazingly fruitful. Put together a one-page "personal resume" playfully presenting who you are (with photos) and describing the person you would love to meet. Send it out to 50 of your closest friends and colleagues with the subject line, "Who Do You Know?" This approach resulted in over 20 introductions made for me through my personal network. And much to my surprise, it was my mom who made the strongest match. Amazing!
  4. Throw Your Own Singles Party. This idea is simple and so much fun. Plan a simple, fun gathering (over Happy Hour at a local hot spot) and invite ALL of the great single people in your world. Make it a requirement that each person bring a member of the opposite sex, so that each person truly contributes toward creating a fun meeting for everyone at the party.

    As the organizer, be sure to gather contact information for each person who shows up, so you can stay in touch and follow up with all who seem like "keepers" — you can host the party again and again by extending invitations to the most intriguing guests who attend.
  5. Matchmaking Registry. Register with all of the local matchmakers in your area. Many modern day matchmakers have sophisticated technology, which enables them to perform deep, targeted searches for clients.

    But the matchmaker can only find you if you've made the smart move and fully registered. To find your local matchmakers, register privately with me and we'll be happy to make a referral for you.