Weekly Leo Horoscope

May 27, 2024 - Jun 2, 2024


Luckiest Day: Friday, May 31

Be ready to make major changes to your professional life as Mercury aligns with Uranus in Taurus on Friday — May 31 will highlight unexpected offers and developments. Mercury governs over matters of communication. You may be offered a new job, hear about a promotion, or start negotiating a pay raise. A significant project may start that could lead to greater success. However, Uranus works unexpectedly and rarely, if ever, delivers what you had anticipated, so go with the flow. Trust that the universe is working for your highest good so that when this pivotal offer or redirection arrives, you don’t hesitate to take it.

Your career has likely seen profound growth thanks to lucky Jupiter. Now that this planet is in Gemini, you can really show up as your best self at work. The universe responds well to you creating your own luck, and it will help you manifest your best life.

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