ADD/ADHD, Aging & Geriatric Issues, Anger Management, Anxiety Issues, Chronic Pain/Disability or Illness, Eating Disorders, Eating & Food Issues, Health Coach, Health/Wellness, Learning Disorders, Nutrition, Phobias/OCD, Post Traumatic Stress / Trauma, Weightloss/ Management, Wellness



Additional Expertise

Health Coach, Speaker/Presenter, Wellness Coach

About Scott Einhorn

I am no longer 'practicing', as I have learned some time ago how to 'do it correctly'.  My specialty is Applied Kinesiology, which is the height of Functional Medicine. Emphasis Neurology, Biochem, & Emotional work (NET) - from the p.o.v. of function, not pathology. Myself, and the others like me (AK, TBM, NOT), we treat people, not symptoms, we don't 'chase #s'..

People have many dimensions, not just a lab value. They (we) have physical bodies, they (we) have emotions which can and do create all manner of psycho-somatic (mind & body) responses.

If the goal of the practitioner is the greatest resolution in the most expeditious manner possible, then all aspects of what makes a person, 'that' person, must be explored. The dynamics of the 'lesion' can lay anywhere. It can be structural, it can be biochemical, it may be emotional. Usually, the 'lesion' is some combination. Humans are tricky business, to be sure. Diagnosing the weak areas (whatever that is), is always the most important and always the most difficult effort. Once done, resolutions are usually quite simple. Perhaps not easy, but usually simple.

It often comes down to, how badly does the patient want to get better? This therein, is where the rubber meets the road.