Addiction, Anxiety Issues, Communication Problems, Couples/Marital Issues, Chronic Pain/Disability or Illness, Dating/Being Single Support, Depression, Divorce/Divorce Prevention, Drug and Alcohol, Eating & Food Issues, Career, Empowering Women, Family Support, Financial Stress, LGBT Issues (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender), Grief, Loss, & Bereavement, Infidelity / Affair Recovery, Life Management, NLP, Parenting, Postpartum Depression, Spiritual, Stress Management, Post Traumatic Stress / Trauma, Wellness, Holistic Coach, Health Coach, Health/Wellness, Life Transitions



Additional Expertise

Career Coach, Clergy, Counselor/Therapist, Dating Coach, Divorce Coach, Family Coach, Health Coach, Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, Marriage and Family Therapist, Marriage Educator, Nurse, Pastoral Counselor, Rabbi/Clergy/Pastoral Counseling, Relationship Coach, Speaker/Presenter, Spiritual Healer, Wellness Coach

About Marcy Neumann

Marcy Neumann is an RN, Spiritual Minister, Reiki Teacher Master, Hypnotist, Law of Attraction and Manifestation Expert and the creator of the scientifically based, cutting edge CELLpH (Self) Love. In addition, her company, Heartlites Inc., is a leading manufacturer of personal and spiritual development products such as Create UR Mate and Create UR Dreams. The Law of Attraction principles have become the basis of her Resistance Identification Program, her very successful consulting practice and her Law of Attraction products and programs series. Marcy has helped hundreds of individuals, businesses and organizations to flourish and achieve great success. For more information about Marcy, to learn seminar dates, or to purchase Heartlites’ products, visit www.HeartlitesInc.com.