Communication Problems, Conflict Management, Couples/Marital Issues, Dating/Being Single Support, Empowering Men, Empowering Women, Family Support, Financial Stress, Financial Well Being, Forgiveness, Happiness, Health/Wellness, Holistic Coach, Life Management, Life Transitions, Marriage, Matchmaking, Parenting, Relationships, Self-Compassion, Self-Esteem, Step Parent, Time Management, Wellness, Workplace Issues



Additional Expertise

Counselor/Therapist, Marriage Coach, Marriage/Couples Counselor, Relationship Coach

About Starr Burgess

Starr is an intuitive, results driven and experienced private practice counselor and professional life coach. With over fifteen years of combined experience in corporate, education, counseling, and coaching, Starr brings a unique arsenal of skills to serve individuals with diverse backgrounds. Starr specializes in leadership and professional development and training and consulting. Starr is skilled in interpersonal and workplace engagement and communication and helps people find success both professionally and personally. Starr has a Master’s of Arts in Community Counseling and is a Licensed Professional Counselor. She is a Certified Professional Life Coach and published author.