About Sherri Nickols

Sherri Nickols is an award-winning author, motivational speaker and relationship/women's empowerment coach. Known as a Sparkling Mojo Specialist for more than ten years, she helps career-driven female professionals and “Super Moms” from around the globe get their sparkle on, teaching them how to balance their masculine and feminine sides and inspiring them to unearth and own the diamond in them (their true Divine essence) and create the romantic adventure often missing in their lives.

Understanding that most relationships go south when couples stop having fun together - she successfully coaches women to unravel the communication issues and limiting beliefs that keep them from living in their playful feminine spirit.

Sherri developed her message into a fully branded and market-tested line of coaching packages and products. And she’s successfully sold the Sparkle concept in real-world settings for more than five years. Her thousands of participants, clients and followers prove this concept is a winner.

The  courses, and coaching empower and inspire women to live with pleasure and passion - create intimate connections with their lovers and discover new levels of self-fulfillment—as well as deepen bonds with girlfriends.

Her community provides a safe haven for women to get support and discover/develop their inner feminine essence. Today, Nickols is the focal point of a national movement of women who want to recapture their feminine strengths while re-establishing the love, intimacy, playfulness and connection in all of their relationships.

Not surprisingly, this movement is growing. And Sherri is at the forefront of it. At the beginning of 2012 she will be relaunching her weekly radio show, Sexy and Sparkling. Her website, offers tips and successful strategies to get your sparkle on! Sherri teaches a Tele-Playshop, 5-Weeks to Discover Your Playful Sexy Self!, with an online support group just for her circle of Playful Goddess Circle.

She’s the leading expert behind Facebook’s popular relationship group, Unleash Yourself’s Passport to Romantic Adventures - a Sisterhood Network of connection, support and inspiration. Nickols is also a lively talk-show guest and has appeared repeatedly on local television including on such shows as CBS KCAL9,  The View from the Bay, Good Morning San Diego and San Diego Living. She will be holding retreats and workshops, telecourses and a continuity program around The SPARKLE System introduced in her newly released book, Sexy and Sparkling after 40.

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