The 100 Best 'I Love You' Memes That Are Cute, Funny & Romantic All At The Same Time
How do you say those four little words: i love you memes?

There's no better way to say 'good morning, I love you!' to your favorite person than with a funny meme.
Love comes with ups and downs, which aren’t always apparent until they’re happening. With that said, being in sweet love is so much fun, as the best love memes easily prove.
Getting to be with the person you care about most in the world as much as you want can practically feel like one big sleepover all the time!
Expressions of that love come in many forms. You might be the type of person who texts your significant other a loving message like “get home safe” when they’re driving, or you may be the person who makes your partner’s favorite home-cooked meal to surprise them.
Or maybe you memorize funny crush quotes on a piece of paper and slip it in their pocket. Or you slide through the DMs and send an adorable dog meme.
However you do it, your special sweet somethings become your own personal way of saying “dear love of my life, I love you.” And when you’re with someone who has their own way of saying they love you back, it can make you feel that much more important to them.
Of course, love isn’t always easy. There are so many times when you wish you took a step back and tried to diffuse a situation with love instead of fighting, but it doesn’t always happen the way you want it to.
Even in those times, though, it’s important to remember that love is something that should be appreciated and that it’s OK to get fed up sometimes, as long as you remember to say “I love you” when everything has settled.
And there are so many funny I love you quotes and romantic love quotes to help you say it.
Best 'I Love You' Memes
1. "I might be grumpy but I love you."
RELATED: 100 Inspirational Love Quotes To Say I Love You
2. " I love you from my head to-ma-toes."
3. "I love you more than cookies!"
4. "I'm mad at you, but I still love you."
5. "Just wanted to let you know that I love you even though you aren't naked right now."
"And I will alwaysss love you!!"
7. "I love you so much that I miss you when I close my eyes to blink."
Photo: Someecards
8. "Every day I fall in love with you more and more. Except yesterday, yesterday you were pretty annoying."
Photo: Someecards
9. "I am otterly in love with you."
10. "I love you more than this much!"
11. "I love you like a pig loves not being bacon."
Photo: Someecards
12. "I love you like Kanye loves Kanye."
13. "I love you with all my butt. I'd say heart, but my butt is bigger."
"I love you so much I can bear-ly stand it."
15. "Love you like a minion loves his bananas."
16. "Guess what? I love you I love you I love you I love you I love youuuu!"
17. "False. I love you more."
18. "I love you this much!" "That's not very much..."
19. "I love you enough to irritate hundreds of people by expressing it on Facebook."
Photo: Someecards
20. "If you love him so much, then why don't you marry him?!"
21. "I don't usually say I love you, but when I do it's for an amazing person like you."
22. "I love you enough to make our iPhone-Samsung relationship work."
Photo: Someecards
23. "I will love you until I forget who you are."
Photo: Someecards
24. "I will have you know, I wuv you very much."
25. "Let me count the ways I love you. I lost count."
26. "I love you and I'll never let you go."
27. "For you, hooman. Cause you lubs me and I lubs you."
28. "When you're in an argument but then you realize you love the person unconditionally."
29. "Me: Loving you forever and always juice."
30. "I love you so much that I want you to be the only person to smell my farts."
Photo: Someecards
31. “I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend the day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” — "When Harry Met Sally"
32. "I love you always & forever."
33. "How much you think I love you. How much I actually love you."
34. "I love you, you piece of s***."
35. "I loaf you."
36. "I love you. Show me."
37. "Listen babe! Listen! I love you more!"
38. "I love you."
39. "Ily. Upgrade. I love you. Upgrade. I love you 3000."
40. "I love you so much I could squish you."
41. "I'm in love with you and it's your fault."
42. "Hey you, yeah you. I love you."
43. "When you ask me who do I love."
Funny Love Memes
44. "When u throwing random mood swings at ur man but he's handling it well."
45. "My heart aches when you're not with me."
46. "When u going off bae but he sittin there laughin and saying 'ur so cute.' 'But I'm not cute ... I'm a thug.'"
47. "You. My undying love and affection."
48. "Close your eyes." "But I like you."
49. "I Love Yyyyyooouuu!"
50. "You're the cheese to my macaroni."
51. "Told my crush that I love her. She replied that she loves me too."
52. "Help, I've fallen for you and I can't get up!"
"I like you more than pizza. And I really like pizza."
54. "When I stare at my man in awe and he catches me."
55. "True love means never having to explain your 'Star Wars' references."
56. "You stole my heart, but I'll let you keep it."
57. "You just being you." "Me in complete awe because you're so perfect and Idk how I got lucky enough to call you mine."
58. "We could do absolutely nothing and I'd still enjoy every second that's spent with you."
59. "A text from you. Me. Whatever the f*** I'm doing." "A text from you."
60. "How I sleep knowing I'm lucky enough to exist at the same time as you."
61. "*me falling for you*"
62. "Me when you do or say anything. My heart."
63. "Me about to tell my boyfriend I love him even after he spent all night ignoring me for video games."
64. "I'm Danny Devoted to you."
65. "Me about to give you all the love and attention you deserve. You, the cutest person ever!!!"
66. "Guess I'll love you for the rest of my life."
67. "Me: spends hours with my favorite person. Me as soon as they leave:"
68. "I might be in love with this MF but that's none of his GD business."
69. "When you love him but he's annoying the s*** out of you."
70. "How much I love and treasure you: A lot. A lot but now in purple. A lot but this time in blue."
71. "When bae calls you bae/baby in the middle of an argument so you know they still love you."
72. "Relationships that are equal parts making fun of each other and equal parts affection."
73. "When you find someone who likes the same weird s*** you do."
74. "I love you more than anything! You're my favorite person. You're so beautiful it blows my mind! I wish you could see how perfect you really are!"
75. "Reasons to not love you. All the pages are blank WTF."
76. "Me listening to your voice."
77. "You reading the reasons why I love you. PS: there's a lot!"
78. "I love you more today than I did yesterday. 'Cause yesterday you really pissed me off."
79. "I want to write you love letters 'til my hands fall off! I love you so much."
80. "Bonjour. Let me love you, ya cutie."
81. "I love you more, no take-backs, Uno reverse cards or no u's."
82. "I like you this much." "I like you this much." "Oh dang."
83. "Love is like a fart: If you have to force it, it's probably s***."
84. "Can I just say how lucky I am to have you in my life I will treasure you for as long as possible I love you so much you are my everything."
85. "When I look at you my brian goes all stupid. And I just wanna hug you." — Finn, "Adventure Time"
86. "What I'm trying to say, very inarticulately is, that fact, perhaps despite appearances, I like you. Very much. Apart from the drinking and the smoking and the vulgar mother... and the verbal diarrhea. No, I like you very much. Just as you are."
87. "I will love you as an oven loves malfunctioning in the middle of roasting a turkey."
88. "I am yours. No refunds."
89. "Sometimes I wake up in the morning, look over at my husband, and think... man, he's lucky!"
Photo: Someecards
90. "Snack bar: You. That's literally it you're the whole menu. You're a snack. And you're the only snack I need."
91. "My boyfriend: Get off me, I'm not playing with you. Me: But I love you."
92. "Sugar is sweet, lemons are tart, I love you more than a unicorn fart."
93. "Be the cheese to my jerky, we'd really workey. (I'll drive you bezerkey.)"
94. "Besides chocolate, you're my favorite."
95. "Whoever coined the phrase, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder' was an idiot. Absence makes a b**** go crazy."
Photo: Someecards
96. "When you're mad at bae but still want to check in on his ass: I just called to say I don't love you."
97. "Listen to me!!! You better believe me when I say you're the cutest most precious creature on this earth binsh!!! Don't you ever try and tell me that I'm wrong because I'm only stating facts ok I love you don't forget that."
98. "On my way to love u."
99. "'How to give you all my love through the internet."
100. "Stop right there. You've committed not one but two crimes. You stole my heart and you so cute it's illegal. I love you."
Emily Ratay is a full-time writer living in Pittsburgh, who's passionate about the environment and feminism, and knows anything is possible in the right pair of shoes.