The Secret To Having More Sex? Make More Money!

A new study unveils the link between your salary and your sex life.

The Secret To Having More Sex? Make More Money!

Like to keep your work and personal life separate? Well, the two may be more connected than you thought. There's a new discovery about how your job is affecting your sex life — and it's a positive one.

According to new research from the Institute for the Study of Labor in Germany, employees who have sex more than four times a week make 5 percent more than those who have less active sex lives. 


The study looked at 7,500 Greek households and analyzed how many times respondents had sex per week, whether they were employed and how much they made. The link between sex and salary was highest among people between the ages 26 and 50.

Though the findings shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. After all, we've known for sometime that the benefits of sex extend far outside the bedroom. From improving your self-esteem to clearing up your skin, people who get it on often tend to be happier and healthier — which leads to a better performance at work.

Nick Drydakis, the study's author explained the employees who were more sexually active had "emotional stability, more extraversion and less health limitations such as diabetes, heart diseases and arthritis."


In addition, making the big bucks may lead you to getting laid. According to the study, "higher wages may increase the value and attractiveness of a person on the dating market; higher wages may increase purchase of gifts that are thanked for via sex."

While the study shows the link between getting busy and a bigger wallet, it's not a direct relationship.

In other words, getting it on is not the best way to get a pay raise.

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