Blended Family Issues, Communication Problems, Dating/Being Single Support, Divorce Rehabilitation, Divorce/Divorce Prevention, Life Transitions, Marriage, Relationships, Spiritual, Step Parent, Trust Issues



Additional Expertise

Divorce Recovery Coach, Relationship Coach, Spiritual Coach

About Summer Howard

More than anything in the world, I care about families successfully surviving divorce.

  • And if there’s one thing I’m really, really good at, it’s empowering people to find their best life after divorce.
  • Prior to doing this work, I was trained as a planner and project manager in the environmental field.  
  • But then, I had a high-conflict separation. I struggled through a divorce (all with a 1 year old in tow) and I realized that I have exceptional co-parenting skills, even when the ‘going gets rough’.
  • So I quit my 15 year career in planning, took on my first client as a divorce coach, started writing about divorce, and… 2 years and many happy clients later, here I am.

Today, I coach parents who are struggling with separation and divorce, and really (really) want a plan to navigate through the process and who want to arrive at a peaceful life after divorce.

Sometimes my work looks like individual coaching calls. Other times it’s teaching groups in person or on-line.  Ultimately, all of my work is about supporting you and coaching you to the blissful side of the bridge.

Because the world is way better when parents can show their children to how live a fun, peaceful life — even after divorce!