
Divorced? 5 Steps To A Fresh Start In 2013

Divorced? 5 Steps To A Fresh Start In 2013 [EXPERT]

2. Set goals. Write a list of 12 lovely things you want to achieve next year — one per month. This list will propel you forward and enrich your life. For example, is there somewhere you have been dying to go? Something you have wanted to buy yourself? Now's your chance.

3. Brainstorm. What kind of relationship do you want to create with your ex? Things may not be easy right now, and you may not even want to go there, but if you set the intention to create a relationship, you will be able to identify the behaviors you wish to change, and therefore, the relationship will automatically shift.

4. Practice gratitude. Every cloud has a silver lining. Whatever is going on for you, the situation will have it's own upside. You may not be able to see it yet, but if you write down 10 things you are grateful for every day (no matter how small), not only will you feel better about each day, but you will start to attract more things that you can feel grateful for. You see, what you focus on expands!

5. Become mindful of your language. Your language creates your reality. So, depending on what you say to yourself, you will either create a negative reality or a positive one. It's important to become aware of the language you use. For example, if you say to yourself, "I am in crisis," then you will be and you will probably feel awful because of it. However, if you say "I am taking the steps towards my incredible recovery." How different would that make you feel compared to the first option? Say it now and see what comes up for you.

The new year is an opportunity to brush off the old and usher in a bright future for you and your kids.

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Treat yourself to your very own *FREE* chapters of my book Goodbye Mr Ex - A Woman's Guide to Moving On

I go into more detail about this in my book, so if you want to download your FREE chapters of Goodbye Mr Ex - A Woman's Guide to Moving On