Love, Self

The Power Of Gratitude: Transforming Negativity After A Breakup

How To Move On From Your Ex After A Breakup

To stop making yourself small, download your free chapters of Goodbye Mr Ex.

What if you could see that his generosity or kindness — or whatever you miss about him — has its own downfalls? Where does that leave you, then? It should leave you on at least equal footing, and your obsessions will dwindle as you start to see him for who he really is. Wouldn't that feel better? The moment you balance out your perceptions, gratitude shows up, and you settle into a feeling of contentment. You are able to see his good bits as bad and his bad bits as good.

What if you could shift your perception into balance and fill your heart with gratitude? How would that change your life?

I can tell you. It's an amazing feeling. To know how someone has blessed your life (however tough the end was) allows you to reclaim your power. You stop being the victim and no longer want your reality to change. You are peaceful and no longer frustrated, sad or angry.

So do you want to be happy or obsessed? The choice is yours. To be happy, go to and download your free chapters.