
Depression: Caused By Chemicals Or Your Own Behavior?

Depression: Caused By Chemicals Or Your Own Behavior? [EXPERT]

When people find themselves in situations they don't know how to handle, their creative system will come up with all kinds of interesting options. When this process happens consciously, a person can make a decision about what to do — whether to accept or reject the options presented. However, as is often the case in novel, emotionally charged cases, the conscious mind has nothing to do with the creative process.

The creative system begins to seek behaviors, options, that the person has already tried and if nothing seems appropriate to get what the person wants in the particular situation, then the creative system will manufacture options that have not been tried. When this happens out of a person's conscious awareness, the subconscious is in charge. Whatever option appears to be the one that will yield the best outcome will be implemented, including depression.

What about the chemical imbalance that is sometimes associated with depression? Medical model practitioners claim that lower serotonin levels are found in people who have depression. As I understand it, there is no medical test to determine the level of a person's serotonin. What is currently measured is a byproduct of serotonin usage.

However, I'm not arguing whether or not there are serotonin or any other chemical imbalances. There very well may be, however, I do not believe it's the imbalance that causes the depression. I believe that it's acting and thinking in a depressed way over time that creates the chemical imbalance. As is the case in many medical conditions, it's a person's actions that cause the problem, not the other way around.

So, what does this mean for you? If you or a loved one are suffering from depression, you may want to look at what you are attempting to gain through your depression. Understand you didn't knowingly or consciously choose depression so you are definitely not to blame. But, now that you know, you are responsible for continuing this choice or choosing something more effective. You must change you actions and your thinking to be in line with generating happiness if you want to stop being depressed. Please let me know how you make out. Overcoming Depression without Medication