Career, Dating/Being Single Support, Eating & Food Issues, Happiness, Life Management, Life Transitions, Marriage, Midlife Crisis, Online Dating, Relationships, Self-Esteem, Sexuality, Stress Management, Time Management, Workplace Issues, Worry



Additional Expertise

Career Coach, Career Counselor, Change Management Expert, Dating Coach, Dietitian, Divorce Coach, Divorce Recovery Coach, Mentor, Personal Development Coach, Relationship Coach, Sex Coach

About Jim McCoy

I have a broad range of experience, starting with degrees in English and Computer Science from Colgate University and including various writing and computer programming jobs.  I've worked for start-ups and spent 13 years working for Microsoft.   But my favorite experiences have all involved helping people do it better: I've been at different times a teacher, a cross country and track coach, a tutor, and a people manager.

I'm a Certified Martha Beck Life Coach, and from that training I've cherry-picked some great methodologies to apply in my practice, complementing analytical skills and insights developed over decades of trying to help people be happier and get good at whatever it is they're doing.               

I live in Melrose, Massachusetts, and am married to best-selling Young Adult author and National Book Award finalist Nancy Werlin.