Abandonment, Abortion Issues, Abuse / Survivors of Abuse, Addiction, Alcohol Dependency/ Addiction, Anger Management, Anxiety Issues, Attachment Issues, Blended Family Issues, Body Image, Couples/Marital Issues, Dating/Being Single Support, Depression, Divorce Rehabilitation, Divorce/Divorce Prevention, Drug Addiction, Drug and Alcohol, Empowering Women, Emptiness, Family Support, Fertility Issues, Financial Stress, Forgiveness, Grief, Loss, & Bereavement, Infertility, Infidelity / Affair Recovery, Internet Addiction, Marriage, Men's Issues, Midlife Crisis, Mood Swings, Online Dating, Post Traumatic Stress / Trauma, Postpartum Depression, Self-Esteem, Sexuality, Step Father / Stepdad, Step Mother / Stepmom, Step Parent, Stepfamilies, Stress Management, Trust Issues, Worry



Additional Expertise

Divorce Coach, Divorce Recovery Coach, Marriage and Family Therapist, Marriage/Couples Counselor

About Laura Richter

My name is Laura Richter and for the past 8 years I have been helping couples who experience high levels of conflict and drama in their relationships. I have a master's degree in marriage and family therapy and I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Family Therapy Department at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. My most recent research involves Internet infidelity.  My experience is a compilation of years of clinical experience in working with couples in crisis. The most important thing that I have learned is that what lies beneath the anger and resentment are feelings like sadness, loneliness, disappointment and fear. Once you are able to acknowledge those feelings, then new perspectives can emerge that open space for more meaningful, satisfying relationships.

I also know that when all else fails and divorce or a breakup is evident, feelings like sadness and despair can be overwhelming. Sometimes you feel like you can’t breathe. The most important thing to know is that you don’t have to go through this alone. Being surrounded by loving, nurturing, and caring individuals can be so helpful.

For more than 8 years, I have been privileged to work with incredibly amazing women who have faced the challenges of painful divorces and breakups. I’ve helped them reshape and redefine their lives as they have let go of the painful past and stepped into the future of their own choosing.  Visit my website at www.relationalconsultantsgroup.com and sign up to receive my ebook, Beginning Again. I look forward to meeting you.