About Mary Malia

Hi there,

My story might be similar to your's. I spent most of my younger years exploring sex and feeling very attracted to girls but being brought up a strict Catholic by an even stricter dad meant I ended up getting married so I could be the good girl in my family.

After 21 years of a struggling marriage and two children I went to work for a Fortune 500 company.  I took advantage of every opportunity that job afforded me, including being able to finally finish my college degree.  I discovered along the way that not only was I capable of many things but that there were a whole bunch of interesting lesbian women working around me. 

That was it. One day during a business meeting I looked at the far end of the table and the woman sitting there rang my bell. Her presence woke up my true nature as a lesbian. I walked out of that meeting knowing my life would never be the same. 

I came out at 45 and the girl in me that I'd repressed for all those years was finally allowed to live, dream and love. It's been through those experiences that Gay Girl Dating Coach was born.

Why gay girl and not lesbian dating coach? Well I believe that there is a girl that exists in each one of us. At some point in our young lives, maybe around 8 or 9 or 10, we absolutely knew our truth. We knew who and what we wanted to be and then the rules of family, church and society shut us up and shut us down.

Gay Girl Dating Coach is here to call out to that part of you that is still there, hidden away but full of hope, dreams and desires for life and love as a lesbian. 

I've worked hard over the last 10 years to learn a lot about love, relationships and dating in the lesbian world and I'm here to share it with you. I want to make your trip easier, safer and more joyful. I want to help you find love, real lasting love. I want to help you navigate dating whether that's online or at a meetup group. 

I know the lessons I've learned and the experiences I've had can help you. 

Along the way, I gathered an amazing array of tools and aids I call the Gay Girl Dating Toolbox. I pull the tools out to help my clients every day and I'll be sharing many of my tools here with you on YourTango.com.

Join me at Gay Girl Dating Coach for direct access to many more articles, "On the Fly" Coaching and my VIP Coaching program - The Road Map to Lesbian Love in 2013. 

It's time to stop dating the same woman over and over. Learn what's blocking you from having the love you desire and step into a whole new life and relationship. 

I get it. I've been where you are. I've felt the pain, the betrayal and the feelings of loneliness and loss. Gay Girl Dating Coach is here to help you create the life you've been dreaming about and leave the pain behind forever.

Do you want to know more? Schedule a free 15 minute strategy session with me. I'll help you discover a breakthrough step you can take in your lesbian life and share more of the resources available to you through Gay Girl Dating Coach.

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