Exciting New Details About Prince William And Kate Middleton's Pregnancy Just Leaked (And We HOPE They Are True)

Fingers crossed!

Royal Family Hollywood Life

So before we dive to all this new, juicy royal family gossip, we have to take a moment to brag. Because guys — we totally called this new baby

The Duchess of Cambridge is, no offense to her highness, really bad a hiding a pregnancy. If you're photographed enough times in a row with your hand or your designer clutch placed not-so-casually over your stomach, we're gonna have some questions. 

See example below: 


The Duchess has mentioned multiple times that she's down for more kids. So maybe for the next pregnancy, she can keep us guessing by carrying a giant pot of flowers around or a stack of shoe boxes. 

But we predicted that she was pregnant, and we're probably never going to stop talking about it.


Especially if the new royal baby rumor is true and Kate Middleton and Prince William are having a girl. 

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A new report recently came out that alleges the royal family is expanding by one what is likely to be one more adorable little lady.

An inside source told Hollywood Life that on the same day our sweet little George started his first day of school (brb crying), the couple found out their new child is a girl. 



Kate wasn't able to share the first precious moments of taking George to school because she's suffering from extreme morning sickness like she did during her first two pregnancies. So finding out that news the same morning surely lifted her spirits. 

And apparently, she told her royal baby daddy the good news in the most precious way. Like we don't know if you'll be able to handle it. 

She wrote William a letter in the voice of their unborn child and signed it with "Alice" — a name they've discussed using if the baby turned out to be girl. 

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Later that same evening, Will and Kate told the rest of their clan, George, and Charlotte, by giving them pink cupcakes after dinner. Did her highness find this idea on Pinterest?

"George couldn’t stop rubbing his mother’s tummy,” the insider said. “He was too young to understand when Kate was pregnant with Charlotte, but this time he’s excited.”


And for those curious about the name Alice, it was the name of one of Queen Victoria's daughters and the name of the mother of the Duke of Edinburgh. So it runs in the family. 

But, sadly, we probably won't get a confirmation about any of this cuteness seeing as the genders of her last two babies weren't revealed until the baby was born. 

So here's to having your fingers crossed for the next few months! 


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Emily Blackwood is an editor at YourTango who covers pop culture, true crime, dating, relationships and everything in between. Every Wednesday at 10:20 p.m. you can ask her any and all questions about self-love, dating, and relationships LIVE on YourTango’s Facebook page. You can follow her on Instagram (@blackw00d) and Twitter (@emztweetz).