17 Things To Know When Loving A BOSS B*tch, As Llustrated By Beyoncé

Photo: VEVO
Queen B Queen Bey Beyonce Flawless Crown

Only the luckiest and most worthy men on the planet have the pleasure and the luxury of dating (or loving) a boss. Bosses are rare, bosses are hot, and bosses handle their own affairs.

A boss doesn't need a man and she doesn't worry about whether a man will choose her. A boss CHOOSES a man.

A boss is strong, independent, sexy and confident, while remaining kind and humble to the poor, basic b*tches beneath her. A boss, basically, is the best.

Who better to illustrate exactly what it takes to date a boss than the biggest boss of them all — Beyoncé? Sit back and learn, gentlemen. And ladies, if you don't think you're a boss, step up your game, love yourself, and let everything else fall into place.

A boss isn't a shrinking violet and she doesn't care if you're intimidated by that.

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A boss will knock sense into you when you need it.

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There's nothing sexier than a boss. Here's hoping you're not the jealous type.

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A boss doesn't need your money. She has plenty of her own.

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A boss doesn't mind being domestic when she wants to be.

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You need to keep up with current events because she doesn't have time for nonsense. She also votes and makes informed decisions because she knows her choices matter.

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A boss knows how to work a freakum' dress.

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A boss understands that, in addition to being a good person, it can't hurt to care about your appearance. It's not shallow; it's a tool to feel and be your best.

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A boss has no time for lessers.

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A boss understands the power of paying it forward and being a good person.

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A boss isn't afraid to admit her wrongs.

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Oh, you're leaving? #byefelicia

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A boss keps her private life private.

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She's not afraid to tell you what she wants in bed. Or for dessert.

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A boss knows the power of feminism and isn't scared of saying so.

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A boss can and will adore you. Especially if you're a boss, too.

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Damn right.

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