Love, Heartbreak

Is He Just A Womanizer?

man checking out woman

Charming, attentive, interested, witty, flirtatious—these are all traits of a womanizer. A womanizer knows exactly how to make a woman feel special, different from the rest, and like his one and only. The only difference between a womanizer and a good man is a womanizer acts in this manner to get in your pants, not your heart. Being able to differentiate a good man from a womanizer is not as easy as we'd like it to be, but we have you covered. After the jump, find 10 signs to help you make the distinction. But remember, even though he fits some of these characteristics doesn't necessarily mean he's a womanizer. Just don't wear your heart on your sleeve; it's always better to be safe than sorry! The Frisky: Girl Talk: How Much Space Is Too Much In A Relationship?

10 Signs He's A Womanizer. . .

1. More Facebook posts from girls than guys. His Facebook wall consists of a bunch of girls saying, "I miss you,"  "I want to hang out," or "When am I seeing you?" Trouble!

2. He's overly complimentary. "You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." "You're gorgeous, and I don't throw that term around lightly." "I've never been able to open up with a woman the way I have with you." If he says all of this within the first 15 minutes of the date, then he's probably wants one thing. Yup, what's between your legs.

3. He confuses you with other girls. Nothing is worse than a guy calling you another girl's name. Not only do you know that there is someone else, but he also can't even keep the two of you straight. The Frisky: Nine Signs He's A Cheater

4. He's Mr. Future. Unless you're a woman who is committed to being single, chances are you're at least open to the idea of meeting someone to eventually settle down with. Womanizers know that, which is why they become Mr. Future. "We can do this, and we can do that, and we can go here and there." Everything is we, we, we. Womanizers know how to give us what we want, but feel no guilt when they take it away.

5. He doesn't have platonic female friends. A womanizer doesn't need platonic girl friends because he's interested in all of them. You can't be platonic if there is sexual chemistry, right?

6. He texts other girls, regularly. If he's hanging out with you and is constantly on his phone texting other girls, chances are he's not just interested in you.

7. He's king of nicknames. Sweetie, babe, baby, honey, darling, these easy pet names are the perfect way to make a girl feel special without mixing up real names.

8. He keeps his cell phone locked. Men like to be shady in general. They rarely like anyone in their business, but if he's got his phone on lock down and gets mad when you even glance in its direction, there is a reason for his secrecy. The Frisky: Dear Wendy: Exchanging Numbers When You're In A Relationship

9. His mother calls you another name. If he's introducing you to his mother, it might seem like you're special to him. After all, you're meeting the family. But if his mother confuses you with someone else, perhaps there is a reason for it. You might not be the only woman he's bringing home to mommy.

10. He's known as a WOMANIZER. Where there is smoke, there is fire. His reputation didn't come from him being a genuine guy. And you probably can't change him. And why would you waste your time trying?

By Carli Alexa Brau for The Frisky