3 Zodiac Signs That Finally Put Themselves First On May 18, 2024

Venus conjuncts Uranus on May 18, leading to much-needed rebellion for three zodiac signs.

smiling woman and zodiac signs putting herself first on may 18, 2024 Ransford Quaye via Unsplash / Bianca Marie Arreola and Artulina via Canva

Venus conjunct Uranus is an influential transit on May 18, 2024, skewing our perception of love, romance and the idea of being in a relationship. And for three zodiac signs, the astrological energy of Venus conjunct Uranus is enough to push them to put themselves first. 

These zodiac signs may absolutely adore the idea of being with someone, of growing old with them, living life with them, all of it. But they are also listening to their inner selves speak, and this is a voice they cannot deny. During this time, they hold back — they know better. Though these zodiac signs may feel pressured to act, the astrological energy of Venus conjunct Uranus is enough to remind them that falling in love when it feels right to them is what makes sense now.


3 zodiac signs that finally put themselves first on May 18, 2024

1. Aries

The opportunity to fall in love may come around again, Aries, but in all honesty, you're just up to the task. 'Task' is how you perceive it, as you aren't about to get yourself entangled in all that work. Not right now, not yet. It's not so much that you refuse to fall in love, but on some level, your lack of interest in the time, commitment and drama of being in a relationship is just something you want to push off for another day.

Venus conjunct Uranus lets you feel good about who you are, right here and now. On Saturday, you'll feel so good about being on your own, accomplishing what YOU want to do, that you'll wonder if perhaps being single is a better 'status' anyway. You like being independent. While it's nice to have the help and warmth of another person, right now, you don't need it. That's the whole key, right there. You are not needy, and this shows you that not only is being self-sufficient an excellent way to be, it gives you strength — and this is the kind of strength you lack when you have someone else doing all the work for you. 


Love. It's nice when it's there and it's nice when it's not. You have so much on your mind right now, that the last thing you want to do is fall in love. Next window, please.

RELATED: The Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Stay Single, Ranked

2. Taurus

Even the idea of falling in love right now makes you want to get back into bed and hide under the covers. Everything in your life is just starting to make sense, and the fact that you aren't presently in a relationship is not only the impetus for reasoning things out but the inspiration for NOT falling in love. You are getting used to this 'being single' thing, and it works for you, Taurus.


Venus conjunct Uranus on May 18 opens the gates to freedom for you, and you like what you see. Right now, you want to keep your love life open. You aren't up for heavy commitments and you don't want to have to babysit another adult, which is how you've come to see relationships. You don't want to take care of someone else. Maybe another time, but right now, during Venus conjunct Uranus, the world is for you, alone.

You completely reject the idea of falling in love, not because of spite, but because you are enamored with what you can do without a romantic partner in your life. You love life — this whole thing seems so inviting and precious to you. Yes, it's lovely to share it with someone else, but it's just as lovely to experience it all on your own. You are brave, proud and amazing, Taurus.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Luck In Relationships On May 18

@thatbritishastrogirl This is a fucking fun weekend!!! Enjoy it !! Its about damn time energy its lizzo energy ! It’s celebrating a win energy and if you have any planets at 23 degrees then expect an even bigger radical change in the best way ! This is love bomb energy #astrology #fyp #venusanduranus #venus #uranus #zodiac #zodiacsigns ♬ original sound - Tiktok / IG strategy 🚀

3. Capricorn

Falling in love is great if you need inspiration for art, poetry and music — especially if you want to take that art to the next level. This is why you're going to leave that emotional upheaval to the artists, the poets and the musicians. As of May 18, you're going to pull away from that madness and just live your life in peace. You aren't looking for inspiration, and you've found that some of the greatest inspiration there is comes from pain — and pain is what you've experienced as a result of falling in love. Perhaps that's the payment for such a wonderful experience. Either way, you're not interested — and during the transit of Venus conjunct Uranus, you are even less so. 


This time is for you. You relish in the beauty of your free thinking. Love has taught you many lessons, Capricorn, and as of Saturday, the number one lesson is that it's too much to take. Great stuff it is, but it's time-consuming, overly emotional and always has you feeling vulnerable. At this point in your life, you'd serve yourself better to be free, without the burden of a romantic partner, and simply on your own, living life on your terms. Sounds like a plan!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
