The Specific Type Of Parenting Style That Can Heat Up Your Marriage

How to make your marriage, and your kids, happier.

Kid-Centric parenting style Vlada Karpovich | Canva

Let's just get this out of the way first: Parenting is not an easy gig. It is a 24/7/365 demand for your time, energy, and resources. It's not for the faint of heart. The topic of Attachment Parenting or Kid-Centric parenting styles has taken a beating over the past few years. The idea of co-sleeping, babywearing, behavior modeling, etc., somehow has been twisted and turned to represent some kind of maniacal idea that means you completely ignore everyone else in your life and lose yourself in the maze of parenting. Not true. Kid-centric parenting can be the BEST THING to happen to your marriage, and here's why.


Here are 5 reasons a kid-centric parenting style can heat up your marriage:

1. You and your spouse are on the same page when it comes to parenting

You both believe in responding to your child's needs. You both actively participate in the bonding process. You both equally share duties and equally participate in the parenting plan. You both know what kind of people you want your children to grow into, and you both try your best to make it happen.

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2. You both develop your deep bond with the baby

Your child learns that both parents are equally responsive to their needs and develops a sense of security that includes mom and dad. No more "the baby likes you better" moments. Your kids know they can go to either parent when they have a problem, and they won't be sent away or dismissed.


Join Dr. Shefali and me at the Intentional Parenting Summit to explore additional parenting strategies. Ticket Link in my Bio🎟️

♬ Stories 2 - Danilo Stankovic

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3. You learn to get creative with intimacy

If you are practicing co-sleeping, you learn to get creative about where you and your spouse are going to be intimate. The guest room, the living room, the shower, the bedroom floor. Learning how to take the monotony out of your monogamy as parents is key in deepening your intimacy.

4. You know you can count on your spouse to share the responsibility

When you focus on Kid-Centric parenting, you both equally share the duties. It's no longer "your job" to get up at night, change the baby, or bathe the baby. You both put in the time and effort needed to help your kids flourish. 


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5. You develop incredible empathy for each other

Both of you are equally exhausted. Both of you are equally sharing parenting duties. You short-circuit the "I do EVERYTHING" arguments. Both parents agree to be equally responsible and participate! What else could exhaust parents of a newborn want? Kid-centric parenting is an incredible way to deepen your intimacy with your spouse and create a lifelong parenting plan that helps you to feel supported.

RELATED: 6 Loving Ways To Have A Truly Happy Marriage (And Happy Kids, Too)


Natalie Blais is a hands-on relationship and life coach with over 10 years of experience in relationship strategies, and intimacy education. She works with her clients seeking a solution-focused approach for rapid and long-lasting results.