You're Not Going To Die

Examine your past. When have you not landed on your feet?


IF you don’t get the job,
the call-back,
the promotion.

If you max out your credit-cards,
wipe out your savings,
lose every cent in your checking account….

you’ll still be ok.

If your lover leaves you or
the relationship you have tirelessly nurtured withers and ends…

you’ll survive.

If you flub your words,
regretfully overstep your bounds,
feel the sting of unprovoked or provoked criticism….

the world won’t stop turning.


You’ll be OK because you’re always OK.
Have always been OK.

Examine your past.
Take the 30,000 foot view of life’s trajectory.
When have you not landed on your feet?

Has it been challenging, crushing, painfully debilitating?

Maybe you needed support.
You called the doctor, your best friend, the headhunter.
You poured a stiff drink or packed your bags for a yoga retreat.

But you are resilient.
A survivor.
You have chutzpah running through your veins and
everything about your history proves it.

So wince in shame.
Lose it all + Start over.
Get beat by the competition.

You’ll be ok.

But more than that, you’ll be a stronger, smarter, fiercer version of yourself.
And that’s way, way better than being just ‘OK.’



Connect with Dr. Danielle Dowling, Los Angeles based life coach, on Twitter and Google+.