The 13 BEST Make Out Songs From The '90s

A little nostalgia, anyone?

90s makeout songs WeHeartIt

Remember those days when you still had your V-card and all you'd do is make out with your boyfriend for hours at a time? Good (albeit sexually frustrating!) times.

Dating was so much easier back then. You'd go on group dates to the movie theater or bowling alley, sit together during lunch at school and you'd always make mix CDs for each other. And if you were really crushing hard, you just might have included one of these love songs in the mix. Why? Because you wanted to get to second base — duh!


These are the ultimate tunes from the '90s that really made those hour-long sessions of making out unforgettable!

1. "Pony" by Ginuwine
Just the beat of this song makes us want to get grinding. And Ginuwine's smooth vocals and naughty lyrics? Yup, we just might be dry-humping when this jam is playing!


2. "Amazed" by Lonestar

So maybe this wasn't a song you'd listen to during a make out session, but it was the go-to jam for the slow dances with your crush. We're getting butterflies just thinking about those moments!

3. "More Than Words" by Extreme
No joke, we're having major hair envy watching this music video. And man, if we ever had a first kiss with a boy and this song was playing, we don't think we'd ever stop listening to it! Plus, the song's message is so true—actions can be so much more powerful than words. It's easy to tell someone you love them, but are you showing it too?


4. "Truly Madly Deeply" by Savage Garden

"I'll love you more with every breathe, truly madly deeply do." When this song plays, we swoon. And we want to live like this forever, until the sky falls down on me.

5. "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion


Did you think we'd leave off the hit song from Titantic? Not only was Titantic the biggest movie ever made, the theme song was one of the best-selling singles of all time. While it's a little hard to hear these days, we (over)played it on a loop back in '97!

6. "All My Life" by K-Ci & JoJo

"You are my only one and my everything, and for you this song I sing." What more does a lady need to hear? Whisper these sweet nothings and we'll (still) be putty in your hands!


7. "Kiss Me" by Sixpence None The Richer

The theme song for She's All That had every girl dreaming of the most magical first kiss with her crush. Whether the dream became reality is another story. First kisses can be super awkward!

8. "I'll Make Love to You" by Boyz II Men


To this day, this Boyz II Men hit is one of the sexiest songs of all time. It's literally sex in a song. 

9. "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith

If we're being honest, the Armageddon theme song may have resulted in a tear or two the first time we heard it. The lyric "the sweetest dream would never do," gets us thinking; when life is going really good—like when your crush likes you back—you almost don't want to go to sleep and miss out on the amazingness.


10. "One in a Million" by Aaliyah

Whoa, it's getting steamy up in here! Aaliyah (we miss you, girl!) really brought the sex appeal to her hit 1996 song. Little did we know that our "one in a million" love 17 years ago actually wasn't that rare. Oh, well.


11. "I Swear" by All-4-One

Music sure has changed over the years! Where are the tunes that promise devotion like this one? "I'll be there, for better or worse, 'til death do us part, I'll love you with every single beat of my heart." It's wedding vows in a song, and we totally imagined playing this song at our dream wedding for the first dance. Like we said, times have changed.

12. "Kiss from a Rose" by Seal


In short, love hurts. But that doesn't mean this Batman Forever tune isn't also mad sexy! Seal's voice is so smooth he could sing the phone book and we'd feel turned on. Wouldn't you?

13. "I Wanna Grow Old With You" by Adam Sandler

Even to this day, whenever we're sitting on a plane, we secretly hope we'll be serenaded in the same vein of Adam Sandler's grand gesture to Drew Barrymore in The Wedding Singer. Nothing gets a lady more turned on than talking about your future together, especially if he lets you hold the remote control!
