The Weird Psychological Reason You Have Money Problems (& How To Fix It)

And how to work through it.

This Is Why You Don’t Have Enough Money – It’s Not What You Think! getty

There is a very clear and specific reason why you feel like something is lacking in your life. When it comes to money problems, if you're struggling to save money, not only do you feel like you don't have enough dough, but you may also feel that you are "not enough," too.

However, remember that your money issues are not a result of these falsehoods you may be telling yourself:

  • You don’t work hard enough.
  • You didn’t get the right education.
  • There are so many bad things currently happening in the world.
  • You are not loving enough.

We often tell ourselves many various reasons why we don’t have enough money and point the finger outward. Well, there may be some truth to all of that, especially when you believe that those reasons are true!


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However, most people are working too hard and too many hours already but can barely pay their bills. And you probably know many people who are smart but are still struggling to make ends meet.

On the other hand, some people didn't get a good education and went through hard times in life but somehow managed to become very successful in the world. So obviously, the reasons above are not the reasons why you don’t have enough money.

The truth is money affects your brain on a fundamental level.

Your current money situation (or lack thereof) is intimately connected to past trauma and fight-or-flight responses stuck in your nervous system.


Have you ever wondered why you avoid looking at or challenging and taking action on your finances? Well, because right there in your nervous system, at your core, is an unconscious avoidance of dealing with this fight-or-flight response.

You don’t necessarily have to have an empty savings account to feel this fight-or-flight response. We all have our version of stress response to our finances, all the way from those who have what seems like "more than enough" to those with an empty account.

To get clarity and understanding about it, you need to feel what happens in your nervous system when you think about your finances.​ Do you notice any discomfort in your body? Fear? Anxiety? Anger? Sadness? Dissociation? Resistance? Could there be a connection?

Once you're able to identify your default reaction, you can work toward releasing that emotional charge in your nervous system that leaves you with a very narrow view of what is possible.


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This emotionally charged response from your nervous system is what stops you from moving forward.

It keeps you stuck at a certain set point, no matter how hard you work, no matter how educated you are, no matter how smart you are, and no matter how good you are at what you do.

But once this charge in your nervous system is released and transformed, you can live from a different frequency that may reflect on you in your world.

If your relationship with money is based on old beliefs and fears from the past, take a moment to recognize that those emotions don’t belong here in the New Paradigm and liberate those old energies.


Self-love does not necessarily change your finances unless and until you love yourself enough to also open up those deep, unconscious old paradigms and unquestioned places that have blocked you from receiving and having enough. A lot of that work happens in the 1st and 2nd chakra, which is where the fight-and-flight response is blocking the energies from an abundant universe to flooding you, fulfill you, and flow through you.

Explore what is stopping you from being and having your fulfillment in life. Learn what it has cost you up until now (and not just with money) and feel inspired to dive in and release this energy in your nervous system.

RELATED: Science Reveals How Much Money Does Buy Happiness


Pernilla Lillarose is a certified Hakomi Practitioner and a Self-Love Mystic & Mentor. You can learn more about Pernilla's work as a Self Love Mystic & Mentor at Divine Feminine Flow or sign up for her free Clarity-Discovery Session.