Kim Kardashian And Taylor Swift Both Respond To Kanye West Phone Call Leak: Who's Telling The Truth?

Yes, this is still something we're all talking about.

Kim Kardashian And Taylor Swift Both Respond To Kanye West Phone Call Leak: Who's Telling The Truth?

Remember all the drama between Taylor Swift, Kanye West, and Kim Kardashian back in 2016? It's back, baby — and it's getting more complicated by the day. 

Over the weekend, the full phone call between Swift and West leaked from an unknown source, seemingly proving that Swift had been telling the truth about what went down involving the controversy with West's song, "Famous," all along.

But now, both Swift and Kardashian have spoken out. So who's telling the truth here — Swift or Kardashian? Here's everything that's going on in this ever evolving drama.


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The drama began with the first phone call clips in 2016.

After West released the song and the music video for "Famous" (which included a wax figure of Swift and other celebrities in bed together, nude), Swift didn't hide the fact that she was upset with West's lyrics that referenced her, including lines like "I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex/I made that b*tch famous". At the time, Swift's rep released a statement claiming that Swift did not approve West's lyrics during their phone call; in fact, she felt they were "misogynistic." This led to Kardashian leaking clips of the phone call on Snapchat, making fans believe that she had actually been okay with it. 


Four years later, the drama is back in full force — and this time, it's presenting a totally different view on the situation because the Taylor Swift/Kanye west call leaked over the weekend.

Seemingly out of nowhere, the full 25-minute phone call between West and Swift leaked on YouTube, and seemed to prove that Swift had been telling the truth after all. In fact, West didn't mention that he'd be calling her a "b*tch" in the song, and she sounded a bit uncomfortable throughout the call. And when West told her about the line about making her famous, she even fired back at him, letting him know she'd sold seven million copies of Fearless before their VMAs debacle even happened. 


Earlier this week, Swift responded to the leak.

In a post on her Instagram story, Swift addressed the leak while encouraging her followers to donate to people in need during the coronavirus pandemic at the same time, including a link to The World Health Organization and Feeding America.

"Instead of answering those who are asking how I feel about the video footage that leaked, proving that I was telling the truth the whole time about *that call* (you know, the one that was illegally recorded, that somebody edited and manipulated in order to frame me and put me, my family, and fans through hell for 4 years)... SWIPE UP to see what really matters," she wrote.


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But Kardashian quickly fired back the same day.

Not long after Swift's response, Kardashian shared tweets of her own addressing the situation and insisting that the leaked phone call didn't change the fact that she was right. Here's what Kardashian's Twitter thread on the subject said:


I didn’t feel the need to comment a few days ago, and I’m actually really embarrassed and mortified to be doing it right now, but because she continues to speak on it, I feel I’m left without a choice but to respond because she is actually lying. To be clear, the only issue I ever had around the situation was that Taylor lied through her publicist who stated that “Kanye never called to ask for permission...” They clearly spoke so I let you all see that. Nobody ever denied the word “bitch” was used without her permission. At the time when they spoke the song had not been fully written yet, but as everyone can see in the video, she manipulated the truth of their actual conversation in her statement when her team said she “declined and cautioned him about releasing a song with such a strong misogynistic message.”​ The lie was never about the word bitch, It was always whether there was a call or not and the tone of the conversation. Swift's publicist has also issued a statement. I never edited the footage (another lie) - I only posted a few clips on Snapchat to make my point and the full video that recently leaked doesn’t change the narrative. To add, Kanye as an artist has every right to document his musical journey and process, just like she recently did through her documentary. Kanye has documented the making of all of his albums for his personal archive, however has never released any of it for public consumption & the call between the two of them would have remained private or would have gone in the trash had she not lied & forced me to defend him. This will be the last time I speak on this because honestly, nobody cares. Sorry to bore you all with this. I know you are all dealing with more serious and important matters.

Swift's rep has also released a statement.

After Kardashian's tweets went live, Swift's publicist, Tree Paine, took to Twitter to share her original statement all over again, adding, "I'm Taylor's publicist and this is my UNEDITED original statement. Btw, when you take parts out, that's editing. P.S., who did you guys piss off to leak that video?"


But is Kardashian or Swift telling the truth? 

Without actually being Kardashian or Swift, this is a hard call to make, but at this point, it certainly seems like the leaked call proves Swift was in the right. She wasn't the one who leaked any of these phone calls — now or in 2016 — and the full content of the call does prove that Swift wasn't lying back then — as she has maintained from the beginning, West truly wasn't getting her permission and he never did send her the full song before releasing it, and at no point in the call did she approve the word "b*tch" being used to describe her. So we're giving this one to Team Swift.

Maybe this drama is finally dead and buried, or maybe it's just beginning. Either way, we wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the last we hear about this situation. 

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Nicole Pomarico is an entertainment and lifestyle writer whose work has appeared in Cosmo, Us Weekly, Refinery29, and more.